Scars To Show

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Chapter Nineteen - Scars To Show

Season One, Episode Seven 'No Compass' / Season One, Episode Eight 'Flight Of The Bumblebee'

Violet lay awake taking in the patterns of the wood above her head while Shauna snored slightly in the dark. Sighing, she took her book and her blanket to move down the ladder silently. She weaved through the bodies laid on the ground as she gently pulled the door open and closed. The night enveloped her as she lit the lantern on the porch next to her. Her body rest against the column as she opened the book to read. Waiting, just in case. Eyes loitering over the clearing of trees that Shayne left through hours earlier. It would be too late to try and catch up now, not to mention dangerous. She just sighed and let her skull lightly tap the wood behind her, ignoring how her heart strained at the thought of what was out there with her friends and girlfriend.

Her eyes lazily tried to focus on the book in front of her as she thought of Shayne listening to her mixtape, her listening to love will tear us apart as she fell asleep. Ian Curtis' voice filled the silence as she took in the art that Violet loved so much. Her eyes welled with tears that she shunned away, she was fine. She had to be. Violet's consciousness dwindled as she let herself wonder, falling asleep slumped against a pillar, waiting for some kind of sign.

The following morning, Violet managed to avoid questions by leaving early to get wood. Javi decided to join her in the task to not let her go alone.

"So you think Shayne's alright?" He said as he sat on the ground behind Violet, her arms working tirelessly against the bark.

"Yeah, why wouldn't she be?"

"I don't know, I just- the woods are weird." Javi muttered as he picked up some grass.

"Yeah, it is." Violet sighed as she looked out towards the water, searching for something she didn't even know anymore. "Do you want to learn to whittle?" She suddenly asked, looking at the young boy.

"What?" Javi now looked up at the blonde, confusion dancing on his features.

"Whittling, it's where you carve wood into little figures." Violet shrugged.

"Yeah, sure, I guess." Javi said as the two lulled into a calm silence again.

After chopping part of the tree off for their whittling, Shayne dumped the bag of wood on the ground and grabbed the small knife Shayne kept in her belongings, Javi grabbing one from elsewhere. Showing him how to take small pieces of wood off of it to shape their projects. The two sat for a while, Violet whittling a star with a small smile as Javi whittled what looked like a wolf. Her mind was able to remain clear, until night came again.

When night came, she dragged herself back outside. Waiting. Her body and mind were in limbo as she let her eyes drift to where she had last seen Shayne, yearning for the sight of somebody to appear. She would take Misty at this point. She just wished for something that showed her they were still alive out there. Sleep didn't drift over her as easily this night, missing Jackie's figure sneaking back in with Shauna's diary. Her mind was entirely blank but she could feel something was off. She felt a hand touch the crown of her head as she just stared. Her head softly moved to look up at Shauna who only smiled.

"She's okay." Shauna tried to coax her back inside.

"I'm not sure." Violet muttered as she looked at the pregnant girl, her bump now lightly visible to her own eyes.

"Well I can't force you back inside, but I do think they're okay." Shauna squeezed her hand as it came to grasp Shauna's fingers at the crown of her blonde hair.

"Thanks, Shauna."

Violet stayed awake all night, her body only resting when the sun came up and others could watch out for some rumbling in the woods.

Her eyes were heavy in the afternoon as those that remained sat quietly on the porch, Violet sat playing with the star she whittled as she watched the trees again. This time, however, she saw movement. Misty appeared in front of her with Mari close behind.

"Misty?!" Violet jumped up as she saw her, looking past her to see Akilah's wide eyes, "Where's Shayne, Van and Tai? Where's Shayne?" She looked at Akilah nodding her head behind her as she took in puffs of air. Violet dropped the star onto the ground as she rushed past everyone to find the missing three. She raced down a steep decline, her feet moving quickly as she frantically scanned. She watched a figure leaning against a tree at the bottom of a hill, "Shayne!"

She ran forward, catching Shayne as her body went limp. Shaking her slightly, Violet took in the ragged pieces of cloth around one of her arms and one of her legs. "Shayne, hey." Fluttering eyelids opened as brown looked into blue.

"Vi." she lightly let the words out as Travis, Natalie, Laura Lee, Shauna and Lottie started to move down the hill with Jackie slightly paced behind them. Shayne smiled lightly as she tried to move her arm up but the pain made it unbearable. fear and concern washed over Violet's features as she looked up at her. "I told you I'd come back alive."

Violet let out a shaky chuckle as she let the tears run down her cheeks, she tried to pull Shayne up but ended up with her on her lap. "Yeah, you did come back to me huh? I kind of wish I had told you to do it in one piece now. Where's Van and Tai?"

Shayne coughed slightly as Violet looked over the bandages on her limbs, "Behind. They need help."

Violet looked up as the group came up behind them, "You guys go. I've got her." She heard a murmured protest from Shayne but Violet shut her down, "You need me, they can handle it."

"I'm okay, sweet girl." Shayne said, not noticing Natalie staying behind.

"No, you're not. Like at all." Violet looked at her as she turned to Nat, ushering her to help pull her up.

Shayne's head lulls to the side like it had the night prior as she began to fall unconscious again. As she begins to slip, she grips Violet's arm warmly "I love you, my girl." Her head moved back as Violet let herself sob now, getting Natalie to help pull her up and towards the cabin.

Violet sat disinfecting the needle to stitch Shayne's wounds as she deflected anyone's attempt to help.

"Vi, you need to let us help." Natalie said as she crouched down to where Violet sat next to Shayne's unconscious state.

"No, I have to do it. I let her go."

"No, she went because she wanted to help. She wanted to help the group." Natalie tried to reason, her efforts remaining futile as she silently sat down. Violet looked up again, sighing as she let Natalie pull Shayne's head into her lap.

Fingers danced over her pulse as Natalie monitored her heartbeat. Watching as Violet's hand shook as she pressed the needle into her open arm, pulling the skin back together in haphazard thread pulls. The two sat for hours in sniffling silence, carefully putting the girl back together.


Ooh drama, I love them :)

Also, I really love Natalie :)

Also, I'm going to go through and edit the story. I'm gonna actually put capital letters :0 ik, I just thought may as well.

Edited 19/07/23

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