Feral Eating Behaviours

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Chapter Eleven - Feral Eating Behaviours

Season One, Episode Four, 'Bear Down' / Season One, Episode Five, 'Blood Hive'

Deciding that Violet had calmed down enough to go back towards the cabin, Shayne pulled her up by her hands and out of the water. The hem of her shorts was wet with water that had waded in towards the bank, the camo green now slightly darker as they moved against the skin of her thighs.

"Do you think I'll be in shit when we get back?" Violet asked as She moved slowly behind Shayne, unwilling to admit that her eyes were following her figure up ahead.

"Nah, they'll get it. You looked good like that though, a badass lesbian fighter. Like a sexy lesbian laura croft or something." Shayne smirked as she saw the cabin come into view.

"You're just saying that because you want me to explore you." Violet laughed as she departed from Shayne and towards Van.

"Damn right." she muttered as Taissa gave her a look, "Don't do that."

"Do what? I'm just looking at you." Taissa said as she looked at Shayne's hands holding the magazine, "What'd you guys do with that?" She smiled as Shayne blushed and lightly smacked the magazine against her fingers.

"Nothing." She said as she took a seat on the deck being caught up on both Van and Jackie's near death at the plane.

Everyone looked up from their mundane tasks as Travis and Natalie came back into their line of view carrying a dead doe. An excited energy passed through the camp as they set down the animal.

"Nice work, you two."

"It was all Natalie." Travis stated with a small smile and put his bag down.

"So, what do we do with it now? "

"Well, first thing we got to do is bleed it out. Who wants to try?"

Shayne grimaced at the thought, "I would but I doubt my Rabbi will say this is kosher." She pulled a face in disgust.

"I'll give it a try." Shauna put herself forward for the task

"Just right across the throat."

Shauna moved to kneel as she put the knife to the animal's throat. Taking one clean cut, everyone watched as the blood seeped out of the incision. She took the responsibility of skinning and cutting up the animal for it to be prepped on the fire. With Coach giving her instructions as well as help with any difficulties, Van and Violet helped her to prepare the dinner for the night.

The fire was going and the group sat in a circle chewing down the medium-rare meat. The sound of bugs and their noises of content filled the night, sounds of slurping to try and keep the blood in their mouths as they all rushed through their dinner. Their hunger was barely being kept at bay. Their noises were almost feral as they gulped down their huge bites of the Doe.

Violet looked to her left at Shayne, a dribble of pink down her pale face. "Come here, you've got something here." She muttered as she wiped the line from the corner of her mouth to her chin.

"Thanks." Shayne said, now licking her fingers in such a way that Violet had to turn away and move to voluntarily help Shauna huck off chunks of meat for them to eat more of.

Their night was then interrupted by Coach Ben falling as he went to move to use the bathroom, noises of surprise at his fall. Shayne and Violet stood at the opposite end of the campfire watching as Misty spoke to him as if he was a child. They both went to move forward to offer a hand to help him up but received a glare from a bruised Sofia. Her face was much more swollen than hours earlier, her moving over to Misty as she told him to be more careful. His face showed a mix of fear and resentment.

Their spirits were lifted for the next few days as they all tried to have more fun, as their current idea of impending doom was pushed to the back of their mind. their hunger satiated. As the calendar Shayne had in her journal indicated that they had moved into June, they all tried to keep their optimism and that led to their dance party with Travis and Coach Ben watching in amusement as they included Javi in their routine to 'This Is How We Do It' by Montell Jordan playing over the small cassette player they found, now weeks prior.

Laughs were heard throughout the cabin as their carefree night continued, but they were dropped as the music slowed to a stop. The batteries were seemingly dead. unfortunately for the girls, Violets Discman D-145 no longer played out of the speaker.

"What happened?" Shauna asked as she looked at Van trying to fix the tape player

"I don't know."

"The batteries are probably dead." Shayne said as she peeked over Van's shoulder as the player was hit into the palm of her hand.

"Has hitting something ever fixed it?" She looked to the brown eyes of her friend who just shrugged in response.

"M-maybe try blowing on it?"

As Van blew on the tape, a creak was heard in the floorboards of the attic. Everyone's eyes latched onto the floorboards. "The fuck was that?" Jackie asked as she trained her eyes on the entrance to the space above them.

All of the teenagers stood with their arms folded as they looked up.

"Hey, you heard it too?" Lottie asked, getting a confused look from Violet who stood next to laura lee.

"It was probably just a branch." Taissa tried to be the voice of reason.

"Inside, on the floor?" Mari replied, Taissa sighed in response, "What if it's... him?"

"What the dead guy?" Shauna asked, looking at her incredulously.

"Um, yeah."

"Oh right, 'cause we're believing in ghosts now?" Shayne shook her head.

"You know what it probably was? The dead guys missing fingers trying to find their way home." Natalie said, trying to lightly scare the group to which her comment was met with jeering.

"Do you really have to encourage them?" Taissa mockingly disapproved of her comment.

"Yeah, Nat. Besides, his fingers are right here." Violet said as she pushed her fingers into her rib cage lightly, both of them giggling.

"You've got to admit it didn't sound like it was on the roof." Akilah said, her and Mari still looking scared of the noise.

"Fine," Jackie huffed, "then it was a rat or a raccoon or something. I dont know, it-"

Lottie interrupted Jackie, telling her to shush as she looked up at the ceiling again. A groan of disbelief came from Taissa. "Listen."

They all stood in silence for a few seconds, before Mari opted to explain that the sound was gone and she wasn't scared now.

"All right, all right. Do you know what I think it was? I think the ghost decided it was time to get some sleep, and we should probably do the same, yeah?"

Reluctant agreeance was heard through the cabin, as Shayne and Violet moved to grab their blankets and pillows from the corner.

"You know, I can sleep next to you if you're scared Beetlejuice will get you." Shayne said watching Violet take her place next to the wall.

"Yeah, okay. Only because you're shaking over the thought of Henry Kane coming to get you, you know like in Poltergeist." Violet smirked back as she watched Shayne place her blankets and pillow down.

"Oh yeah, I'm so terrified." They both giggled as they laid down to rest.


I know that technically nothing the Yellowjackets do for food in the future will be kosher but still, I wanted to add in a bit about Shayne being Jewish :)

Also, I am not Jewish. I'm taking all of my knowledge on this from different websites/forums as well as what I learnt in my religious studies A level that I did. Feel free to correct me!

Love Violet and Shayne getting closer :))))))

Edited 17/07/23

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