Something Idiotic That Happened While in a Store

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(Context: My family was getting some cake for a birthday, and we were walking out of the store. This dude was cursing out the employees of the store. My sibling, who was in elementary school, was there, so my mother was a bit worried because a child learning curses is not a very good thing :^ )

Me, my mother, and sibling: *all chilling and minding our own business, having a cake to bring to a party*

A dude: *cursing off on some employees and storming out of the store*

My mother: Ookeeeeeeyyy... *lightly moves my sibling to the other direction* there's children here...

The dude: *overhearing my mother* Shut the f--k up. This is none of your business!

My mother: Well, sorry 😒. Just please watch your language. =_=

The dude: Go back to your f--king country! You don't belong here!

Me: o_O

My sibling: o_O

My mother: ò_Ó

After a small back and forth, we quickly went to the car. Thankfully, the racist dude didn't follow us or resume the argument. We got home but my mom forgot to pay for the candles (whoops) so we had to return to the store. We actually saw a police car when we came back, so heh, karma for that dude.

Moral of the story: Don't harass anybody and don't be racist :/

(A/N: If anybody is wondering about my ethnicity, I'm Vietnamese :))

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