22. Blurry Hope

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Bottom of this page is where the translations lay :)

Natasha's POV

She disappeared. No one had heard from her. Yelena and I had agreed that Abigail would know where she was, but yet nerves still raced through my veins as I pulled out my phone to text her. 


Can you come to the Avengers Compound? We need
to have a chat.

Is it about August? Do you know where she is?



We were about to ask you the same question.
Get here as soon as you can.


"So you last saw her running off, Natasha?" Abby asked, knowing the answer. She paced back in forth in front of all of the Avengers in the common room. If it weren't for the circumstances I know she'd be fangirl-ing. All her new friends, also known as the Young Avengers, sit or stand around us, worry and concern lining their features.

"Yes, Abigail. We went over this." I only grumble out as to hide the guilt. I can be honest to myself, I've learned how after the years of red. But no one else has to know.

"Oh god, oh god." She shoots her hands to her head, grazing through her hair. "This is bad. This is so, so bad."

Then the teens looked at each other, coming to a silent agreement. One the adults weren't aware of. They stand up collectively right as America makes a portal. All the super powered children (plus Yelena) walk through, leaving everyone else cluelessly stumbling their eyes around at one another. 

But then America looks at me, right after Abigail trails through the star. "Ms Romanoff, are you coming or not?" She smirks, though her eyes are far away, blinded by fear. But not for me but for what's to come.

I sigh, decidedly leaving. "I'll see you later, team." 


August's POV

Long days of torture followed by sleepless nights became the newest routine. I don't believe anything around me and just do as I'm told. I'm on guard all the time, acutely aware that everything I see is potentially an unrealistic vision of the best or worst case scenario. It's my own fault I got into this situation in the first place. Everything is. I was born a bomb for my family, I made the irrational decision to go after Hydra at ten, and I let myself trust and get too close to Tasha. Over and over I make the wrong move. I'm on autopilot on that highway with no speed limit in Germany. The idiocy. 

At this point in time I'm cuffed to a torture table with only a loose, strapless bra and underwear as decoration on my body. This machine is a bit new to me, although I'm positive I somehow used this to escape the last time I was here. That said, Vyacheslav Egorov, AKA Монстр, wasn't standing above me, grazing his hand down my body as he painted it yellow. 

"We gave you too much time, дорогая девушка. Don't you see? You're our little bitty toy." His gaze turns darker if possible, bringing his hand up to my throat. "А теперь расскажи нам, что ты знаешь. Что вам рассказали эти маленькие герои?"

I use all my will power and my strength from his tight, unhinged grasp to scream as loud as I can a: "НЕТ!"

His smirk is everlasting as he lets go of my throat. I won't give him nothing. I need to tell the Avengers that they're coming for them. I need to tell them. How can I even know that any of this is real? 

"Что ж, тогда, думаю, нам придется пойти трудным путем. Мне веселее, ангелочек из ада!"

I tried, I swear I tried. I tried so hard to hold off my screams, to hold off my tears. But they came, gushing like the waterfalls in movies that are just so beautiful yet dangerous. I told them what they wanted... in some form. The lie detector next to me was unnerving, though I only told them half of what they forced me to tell. This became part of the routine, a part of the screams heard throughout the corridors. Other puppets of this hell gave me fearful glances, and looked me up and down as they grazed their eyes over my scars.

I told the Hydra goons I knew my powers weren't made by them. That resulted in them hitting me and calling me a liar. But the machine said it was true. They broke it after that, Монстр wasn't happy about it and used me as an outlet for his anger. I don't care if I die anymore, I just want to leave. Please.


Natasha's POV

"How are we going to get her out of Hydra for goodness sake!" Yelena grumbles, punching the bag hanging from the ceiling.

Abigail stares at her computer, he tongue sticking out ever so slightly. She's staring at her screen, acting like a mini Tony. "I... might know where she's being held!" she finally says, jumping up from her chair and running to hug America. They're awfully close, aren't they?

"How, where?" I respond, grasping onto my sisters hand, squeezing it harder. Resulting in her stopping her punching and glaring at me.

"Ouch!" Yelena yelps, pulling her hand out of mine. "Stop that! That hurts!" She brings her hands together, rubbing them as if it'll soothe the itty pain.

Abby looks up from her position hugging the portal girl. "There's this base, a hundred miles north. I checked surveillance and seven days a white van drove in. I zoomed in to see if I could see into the back... and there was this limp body. I could see a bit of red, theoretically August's hair. I'm not a hundred percent certain it's her, but we shouldn't waste this chance to see. If we leave now we can get there in just under two hours."  

So we do that, we leave. We give it a shot.

This is all my fault, I did this to her. I've caused everything wrong in her life. The bombing, the envelope with the gun, the tracking her down and not seeing past this selfish guilt. The problem is I can't just stay out of her life- I care about her. I stupidly, idiotically want to be something to her. Something. I don't even know what it is I want to be. But I just want to care for her. And I can't even do that right.


August's POV

"Hey... August. August Miller! It's me, детка, it's me! Please, can you hear me?"

I forcefully ease my eyes open to see Tasha. No no no. Not again. Please, please don't do this to me! "You're not real," I mutter softly before passing out again. I can't do this a second time.





pronounced: monstr

meaning: monster

дорогая девушка:

pronounced: dorogaya devushka
meaning: darling girl

А теперь расскажи нам, что ты знаешь:
pronounced: A teper' rasskazhi nam, chto ty znayesh'
meaning: now tell us what you know

Что вам рассказали эти маленькие герои?:
pronounced: chto vam rasskazali eti malen'kiye geroi
meaning: what did those little heroes tell you?

Что ж, тогда, думаю, нам придется пойти трудным путем. Мне веселее, ангелочек из ада!:
pronounced: chto zh, togda, dumayu, nam pridestya poyti trudnym putem. Mne veseleye, angelochek iz ada!
meaning: well, then I guess we'll have to do it the hard way. More fun for me, little angel from hell!

pronounced: net

pronounced: detka
meaning: babe/baby

Mind Games (Avengers Wrong Number Fugitive [Natasha Romanoff x teen])Where stories live. Discover now