Chapter 3

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Ellouise POV

"Hey there Elle today's the big day!" Alex said as he walked up to me and put his arm around me and brought me closer to him. I shrugged him off and kept walking. "Ouch! She strikes again." He mockingly holds his heart as if I actually hurt him. I laughed and looked back at him.

"You coming?" I asked as he picked up his back pack from the ground and ran to catch up to me. His blonde hair bounced with each step. He brushed his hair back and ran his fingers through it.

"I thought that was gonna happen later tonight?" He joked and gave me his infamous smirk. I blushed and went wide eyed and slapped him with my books. "Alex no." He rubbed his shoulder.

"Damn girl, you been practicing that one?" I ignored him and walked into Homeroom with Mr. Omather. Alex ran in front of me and stopped me right before I got to my seat in the back of the class. "Elle, be honest with me, how are you? How did you sleep? Did Carol or Jean bring up ya know? The accident?" He put his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes, I looked back at him, he was sincere and his green eyes had always memorized me.


"Alex, Ellouise sit down or get out." Mr. Omather said as he turned the lights off so we could watch a presentation. We did as we were told and sat down.

We kept our conversation going, but in a hushed tone. "I'm trying not to think about it today......I was doing so well until Aunt Carol brought up how much I look like her, and how much she misses them...... doesn't help much that I also had that nightmare again......the whole thing" I looked at my desk and started drawing a pattern with my fingers.

"Elle..." Alex held my hand. " You are going to get through this, Carol is going through the same thing too, she probably didn't mean to talk about it. You know if you ever have those nightmares, I told you to call me. Was that guy in it again?" He asked referring to the man who had rescued me. I nodded and looked at our hands. "Did you get his name? Maybe we can look him up." I shook my head.

"He did say his name, but I don't remember what it was. Alex I know you are only trying to help, and I appreciate that so much, but I really don't want to talk about this." I looked up at him and he nodded.

It was now lunch time, first two periods were so boring, and nothing really unusual happened. Unless you call Unis speaking her usual gibberish and Anderson picking his nose and flicking boogers on unsuspecting victims, unusual. Me and Alex sat at our table with the rest of our friends. I laughed with them and watched them all eat peacefully, they weren't bothered by it, mostly because they are used to me not eating much anymore. I went into my own little world as Alyss went into detail about how the hot guy in gym kept looking at her. I looked across the lunch room and saw the a guy who seemed familiar, I blinked a couple time and he was still there.

"Don't you agree Elle?" Alyss asked taking a sip of her iced tea.

"Uh what? yeah." I said looking at the window for the guy, but he disappeared again.

Alex held my hand under the table and whispered in my ear, "Hey, everything alright?" I nodded and everyone got up and threw their lunch trays away.

The rest of the school day was a bore, dissecting in biology and reading Macbeth in English. I couldn't wait to just be alone and have time to think.

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