Chapter four

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Ellouise POV

Finally school is over, and I'm home, the last two periods of class just flew by as I spent my time drawing in my notebook and ignoring the teacher.

I jumped into my bed, and hid under the blankets, getting on my phone and scrolling through the daily drama of the typical white girl. I started to drift off as my eyes started slowly closing.

I looked around and it was dark, and it was cold, was I dreaming? I looked up as I felt two strong arms tighten their grip around me. It was the guy, my hero. He saved me. He was beautiful, luscious brown hair and green eyes. The way the moonlight highlighted his jawline and cheek bones. I gasped and he looked down at me. This wasn't part of my normal everyday dream, what was this? I shook my head and blinked a few times before asking, "W-who are you?" He smirked and looked at me again.

"I will tell you when the time is right, but for now my beautiful angel, you need to sleep, and we will meet again soon." He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. When I reopened them I was back in my warm room, with Alex laying on his side right next to me. His blonde hair draping peacefully on top of his eyes, I slowly reached over and brushed his hair away, he stirred and I jumped back, still admiring the amazing boy next to me.

"Good morning." He said, his deep scratchy morning voice startled me, his eyes were still closed.

"M-morning." I looked away and blushed, hoping he hadn't noticed my staring. "It's actually..." I looked around the bed for my phone, and finally found it at the very bottom of the bed. "Holy crap its 6:45!!" I sat up quickly and brushed my hair back, rubbing my eyes of sleep and looking at Alex.
"Alex! Wake up! I need help setting up the party, the guests are due in 25 minutes!!" I tried shaking him, but he continued to ignore me.

"Fine I shall be forced to use deadly contact." I smirked getting an idea in my head that I knew he would have to wake up for. I turned him onto his back and sat on his waist, straddling him and started to place soft kisses all down his chest.

He made a small noise, letting me know he enjoyed what I was doing. I blushed and kept going. Kissing back up his chest and to his neck, kissing his sweet spot, just above his collarbone. He groaned and whispered... "Elle don't be a tease now." Eyes still closed.

I went up to his ear and slowly flicked my tongue past it, and whispered, "Get up Alex or else this is gonna get worse." Biting the bottom of his ear as I continued down my path. I bent down to his waist and kissed the hem of his jeans. "Fine." I said and got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom to re-do my makeup and pick a new outfit. From the bathroom I heard him groan and the bed squeak, letting me know that he finally had gotten out of bed. I smiled to myself knowing what a good job I have done.

I fixed my make-up, took my hair out of its now messy ponytail and walked out of the bathroom. I looked around the room and Alex wasn't in sight. Hm probably went down to get party decorations going. I walked to the closet and got the birthday dress my mom had gotten me when I was younger, it was a black strapless dress that was a little shorter than my knees with sparkles on the chest area and little ruffles. I even had gotten a cute little black cardigan that was the same length as the dress. I smiled at it, but then frowned at the thought of my mom getting it for me.

I began to undress, and got down to my bra and underwear when Alex came back up with a piece of bread in his mouth, and cookies on a plate. He kicked the door shut with his foot and looked up at me, the toast dropped out of his mouth and onto the ground and his cheeks slowly started to tint pink.  I turned around and blushed as he walked in.

"Alex!! Ever heard of like knocking or something?!" I yelled and tried to cover myself up, turning my back to him and grabbing my dress of the hanger.

"Well the door wasn't even shut." He stammered and picked the toast back up, placing it on the plate, and then placing the plate on my bed side table.

"Yeah, bu-but uhhh...." I blushed as I couldn't think of an excuse as to why I started to undress without even locking the door. "Could, you um turn around?" I looked over my shoulder as I saw his eyes wonder up and down my body.

"What? Oh, um yeah sure, I- yeah I can turn around." He said quietly and quickly as he turned around and ate his snacks. I quickly got dressed and walked back into the bathroom to take a good look at myself before letting anyone else see. I have to admit I looked pretty good, my black hair draped over my shoulders to mid boob, and my make up was set to perfection. I smiled and thought what my mom would have thought if she could only see me like this.

I felt a pair of warm strong hands on my waist, and minty breath on my neck, I looked in the mirror, it was Alex. He talked into my ear.

"You look beautiful." I blushed and smiled as he kissed my neck. "Your mom would have loved to see you in this, and maybe she is, just looking down at you from heaven, watching as her beautiful baby girl grows up." He said, holding my hands and kissing my cheek. He always knew what to say, I looked back at him and hugged him, tears slowly slid down my cheek and onto his shoulder.

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