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Hi!! Before this story starts lets go over the cast for "Second best"

New chapters out consistantly! On going book!

Infanta Sofia- 16 yrs old

Princess Leanor of Spain- 17 yrs old

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Princess Leanor of Spain- 17 yrs old

Princess Leanor of Spain- 17 yrs old

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Queen Letizia- 50 yrs old

King Felipe VI- 55 yrs old

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King Felipe VI- 55 yrs old

Prince Hashem bin Abdullah- 18 yrs old

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Prince Hashem bin Abdullah- 18 yrs old

Prince Hashem bin Abdullah- 18 yrs old

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Gavi- 18 yrs old

Okay! Now that we have gone over the cast for this story lets get right into it!

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Okay! Now that we have gone over the cast for this story lets get right into it!

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@naegg_13 on instagram babes!

Second best: Told by SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now