The Girl in the Photograph

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A boy named Juan was playing some basketball after school with friends. After everyone was good and exhausted from running and jumping, they took a break.

As Juan squatted on the asphalt, he noticed a picture sitting in the grass.

He picked it up and couldn't help but smile.

It was of an extremely pretty girl making a peace sign with her two fingers. "What you smiling at?" one of his friends asked, snatching the picture from his hand.

"It was just laying here," Juan said. "Have you ever seen this girl at school?"

His friend shook his head. He asked his other boys if they knew who she was, but they all said "no."

When he got home from school, he asked his older sister if the girl went to her school, but she hadn't seen the mystery girl either.

Juan was determined to find this girl, but that was all going to have to wait until the next day.

During the night, he heard a tapping at his window. It was annoying, but he brushed it off as some animal stirring in the night.

He finally went to investigate once he heard giggling. When he looked, he saw a girl–the same girl in the picture!

She seemed to be speaking, but he couldn't hear her. As he struggled to get the window open, she ran off into the darkness.

The next day, he asked around the neighborhood to see if she lived around. No one knew who she was. He asked some more people at school. No one.

Her melodic giggling woke him up yet again, but this time he wasn't letting her get away. He pried open the window and followed her across the street where he was struck and killed by an absent minded truck driver.

Ambulance members swarmed the scene as police questioned the driver who insisted that the boy had just jumped in front of the truck.

Almost like suicide. Emergency responders searched the scene for any answers. They found, clutched tightly in the boy's hands, a photograph of a girl.

She was holding up three fingers

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