The Tooth Fairy

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One of the kids I work with lost a tooth today. I was babysitting him tonight and his house makes pretty weird sounds.

I told myself it was probably just the tooth fairy, coming to leave a coin. Then I laughed aloud at myself, congratulating myself on my sense of humor.

I figured I'd better check on him though, since I am responsible for him tonight.

As I walked down the hall toward his room, I felt quite a chill. I was glad I had thought to bring my fuzzy socks. 

I can't stop picturing her. Looming over his pillow. She's gone horribly wrong. Red frizzy pigtails. Hairy. Fangs dripping blood. She wears a necklace made of bloody teeth. And her tutu is all frayed and covered in mud and twigs from crawling up under your house to up under your bed. Using nothing but her fingernails and.....TEETH. 

I'm not sure what would've happened if I hadn't walked in, but I can tell you this:

When she flew out the window with a snarl and I grabbed the boy....he is missing four teeth now instead of two.

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