Part 1 - shattered memories

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Sakusa Kiyoomi paced back and forth in the sterile hospital corridor, his heart pounding in his chest. The past week had been a blur of anguish and worry, ever since the accident that had taken away the memories of the person he loved most—his boyfriend, Miya Atsumu. Atsumu had been struck by a speeding car while crossing the street, and the impact had left him with a severe case of short-term memory loss.

Entering Atsumu's room, Sakusa's eyes fell upon the man lying in the hospital bed. Atsumu's face was pale, and his once vibrant golden eyes were clouded with confusion. Sakusa's heart ached at the sight, knowing that the man he adored had no recollection of their shared moments, their laughter, or their love.

"Sakusa," Atsumu said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Who are you? Why do I feel like... like I should know you?"

The words pierced Sakusa's heart like a thousand needles. He had hoped for a miracle, that Atsumu would remember him, their love, and the life they had built together. But it seemed that their memories were shattered, scattered like broken glass on the floor.

Taking a deep breath, Sakusa approached the bed, his voice trembling. "Atsumu, it's me. Sakusa. We've been together for two years now. We love each other."

Atsumu furrowed his brows, his confusion growing. "Two years? Love? I... I'm sorry, but I don't remember anything. I don't even remember myself."

Sakusa fought back tears, gripping Atsumu's hand gently. "It'll be alright, Atsumu. We'll find a way to help you remember. The doctors are doing everything they can. Just... don't give up, okay?"

Atsumu's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and hope. "I want to remember. I want to remember you, Sakusa. But it feels like there's a constant fog in my mind. Like I'm reaching for something that's just out of my grasp."

Sakusa squeezed Atsumu's hand, trying to convey his unwavering support. "I'll be here for you, Atsumu. Every step of the way. We'll get through this together."

Days turned into weeks as Atsumu remained in the hospital, undergoing extensive tests and therapy to aid his memory recovery. Sakusa spent every waking moment by his side, patiently recounting their shared memories, showing him photographs, and recounting their experiences together. But the fog in Atsumu's mind persisted, leaving him trapped in a world where his past had slipped away.

It was during one particularly desolate evening that Sakusa found himself sitting by Atsumu's bedside, his fingers softly tracing the lines of Atsumu's face. Atsumu's eyes met his, filled with a mix of frustration and longing.

"Sakusa," Atsumu whispered, his voice barely audible. "What if... what if I never remember? What if this is who I am now?"

Tears welled up in Sakusa's eyes, threatening to spill over. "Atsumu, you're still the same person I fell in love with—the person who made me laugh...

A/N :
Heyy guys.. this is my first time writing but I read a lot and I'm actually proud of how this first part turned out... hopefully whoever reads this likes this little sakuatsu angst!!!
I'll also be posting every Saturday and/or Wednesday (depending on how long it takes me to finish the next parts)

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