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Hi! This is my first story! I am a very inexperience writer so, NO HATE PLZ!!!!

But criticisms are always welcomed! Happy reading to you all! 

Vanessa heaved on the ground.

"One more!" Callis shouted. 

Vanessa grunted. "I know!" She shouted.

But then, it was finished.

Vanessa collapsed, sprawling onto the ground.

Callis panted. "Two girls, both healthy." 

She held up the girls for Vanessa to see.

Vanessa turned, and came face to face with an ugly girl. She shrieked!

"WHAT IS THAT UGLY THING!" She shouted. 

Callis gasped. "That's your daughter!" 

Vanessa grunted. "I know, but she looks like a witch!" She cried. 

With raven black hair, ladybug eyes, and ghostly pale skin, she was the definition of a witch.

'And her...'

Callis opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again, thinking better.

"Look at your other child." She said. 

Vanessa grunted again as she turned to see the other child. 

Immediately, her heart melted. 

The other girl was beautiful, with lustrous blond hair, ruby red lips, and emerald green eyes. 

Swiftly, Vanessa came to a decision.  

"I am only going to take the blond one home."

Callis looked up sharply. 


Vanessa took no notice of her.

As she reached toward the girl, she looked again at the ugly one. She looked so vulnerable, so unloved, so.....


Vanessa turned to look at the other, blond girl.

So secure, so loved, so......


Vanessa gasped. The blond one, she was the opposite to her. The one she always wanted to be. She glanced at the other girl. And this one so much like her....

She could give it a childhood she always wanted.

"I changed my mind." Vanessa proclaimed

"I am going to take that one." She pointed to the ugly one.

Callis gasped. "And leave the other one?" She asked, scandalized.

Vanessa glared at the other with venom. 


Quickly, she scooped up the girl that looked like her in her arms. 

"Abandon her in the forest, I don't care." She flounced off, leaving Callis alone with the beautiful girl. 

Slowly, Callis turned to look at the other girl. 

"So beautiful, yet so unloved." She mused looking at her. 

"I will call you Sophie, for your callous mother." 

----------------------------------------Meanwhile With Vanessa------------------------------------------

"How was the birth?" Asked Stefan? 

Vanessa, trembling with both exhaustion and happiness, held up a girl. 

For a moment, Stefan's face twisted into disgust that soon turned to love.

"Let's call her Agatha." 

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