Chapter 1

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Agatha woke up to the sound of hammer cracking.

Normally, she would wake up and greet her father, but today was not normal. She was having an amazing dream before she woke up. Not just any amazing dream, but a dream about princes. 

It was a dark night in a dream.  There was a beautiful place, and there was where Agatha was heading.

She went inside a glorious palace to find out that it was a ball thrown in her honor.

Hundreds of dancers filled the ballroom, beautiful people dancing even more beautifully. 

Agatha made way across the room, answering to the greetings, but a boy caught her eye. 

The details were foggy how the boy looked, but she knew she danced with him, a Queen and a King together as the others applauded.  But as he lifted her to kiss her, a hammer smashed him to shards. 

Agatha groaned as she lightly rubbed her eyes. 

"Good morning, Father." 

"Agatha!" Stefan exclaimed, dropping the hammer. "Did I wake you?"

"Of course you did!" Fretted Honora. "I told you to wait until she was awake!"

"It's okay, Honora." Agatha smiled. 

It's true, Honora lives with them now, along with her two boys, Jacob and Adam.


Stefan walked quickly to Agatha. 

Agatha, even with her back turned to him, heard his footsteps and bated breathing. Clearly, he was excited, or anticipatory. 

"Agatha," Stefan called to her. 

Agatha sighed. She knew what was coming. 

"Hello, Father." She smiled at her Stefan.

"Agatha, I've been meaning to ask you something...." Mumbled Stefan. 

Agatha sighed. She knew what is going on. 

"You want to marry Honora, don't you?" She sighed. 

Stefan stared, dumbfounded.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Father, It is obvious." Sighed Agatha.

"But, I know she makes you happy. I'll give you my blessing." She continued, noting the look of happiness on Stefan. 

"Thank you, my sweet." Stefan smiled at his daughter, failing to notice a look of sadness. 

Flashback Ends

Agatha sighed. Yes, Honora was a sugarcoated mother for her when Vanessa had died, but that doesn't mean she was Agatha's real mother. She loved Honora too, but she missed her real mother more. 

'Her last words......'

"Honora, my finger hurts!" 

Agatha sighed happily, woken from her thoughts. That was Adam. 

"Hush, Adam. Honora and I need to do a bit of work." Murmured Agatha. 

Adam pouted. "Fine, Agatha. Just promise to bring some cupcakes!" 

Agatha smiled. "of course, Adam. Don't forget to share it!" 

Agatha looked at Honora. "Let's go to the Vanity, Honora. It's your special day!" 

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