Idk, nero fucks you

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You had woken up in a cold sweat, your room was pitch black, as usual. But there was an odd feel that surrounded you, which tripped you into a slight panic, you weren't  to sure why you were so paranoid. But, you had a feeling it was to do with the man you had seen in your dream, scratch that, it wasn't a dream. It was terrible, it felt so real, and you just simply couldn't shake that feeling. So, as you sat up in your bed, you turn over, reaching for the bedside lamp. As you flicked it on, a wave of relief washed over you. You let out a sigh, as you sat there, staring at the hard wood flooring. You weren't sure what you wanted to do, you knew you wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep, but you knew you had school the next morning. I shook my head a bit, as I had gotten up. Now making my way down and into the kitchen, I grabbed myself a cup of water, before groggily making my way back up the stairs, but.. something didn't feel right. Which, made my heart skip a beat, I didn't like the fact that I was in the dark, climbing up the stairs.. not knowing what was behind me. So, I did my best to bolt up the stairs, hoping I hadn't woken the family.

I was a bit rattled up now, as I plopped back down onto my bed. I placed the glass of water on the bedside table, before flicking the light off once more. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, and I knew there was something funky going on, but I knew to keep my eyes shut, and not to think about it. But how could I? My heart was racing, as I had this immense feel, that someone, or something was watching me. I knew my phone was near, but I was even scared to reach out for it, but I had to.. what happens if some creep snuck his way into my room? Or was I in the middle of being robbed? I knew I could scream for my parents, but what good would that do? So, I slowly took the covers off of me, scavenging my bed for my phone. I couldn't find it, so I called out, "Hey Siri.. turn on flash light." As the light came on, my heart sunk. As I was met with a pale face.. I knew it wasn't human. Far from it. As it had what it seemed like, horns poking out of its head, along with a third eye. It was deceiving, that's for sure. On the other part, he seemed human, as he was quite handsome. He's creepy, yet, he had a somewhat playful smirk that rested on his lips.  He looked rather crazed, as he stared back at me. His breathing was hard and heavy, I wasn't sure what to do.. as I sat there in shock. The only source of light was coming my phone.. he didn't blink, and I didn't like that. His wide eyes seemingly poring into my soul, It felt as I was frozen in time, becoming one with the bed underneath me. He didn't say anything, nor did he move..

So, I slowly moved my hand, reaching out for my phone. As I did, his hand reached out, stopping mine. He then leaned in closer to me, his face mere inches from mine. My breath hitched, I didn't like how close he was getting to me, his breath was cold, as it hit my face. My eyes slowly left his, as they shifted down to our hands. His grip on me wasn't tight, nor was it comforting. Then, it dawned on me.. he was the man from my dreams, or well.. that's what it looked like. Which, in reality, it baffled me. There was no way, that this was truly happening, or was it? As I was thinking to myself, I hadn't realized how his hand slowly snaked its way up my arm. My blood ran cold, as a million different thoughts ran through my mind, what was he doing? Why couldn't I pull away. My heart rate picked up, I could feel my body start to tremble, as I felt his fingers slowly glide up my arm. Now, his other free hand snuck its way up to my leg, mind you, neither of us had said a word. And I was starting to think, this is going completely different to what I had  thought was gonna happen. His hand that rested on my leg, slowly drifted down to my inner thigh, inching its way up. Nearing an area I didn't want him to touch.. this is  when I finally could move. As I frantically scooted away, I was near the edge of my bed, before I turned, getting up onto my feet. Which, he didn't like, as his tall body moved, leaning over my bed and grabbing me. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, but nothing would come out. Was this some fucked up sleep paralysis..? No, it couldn't be.. it felt way to real. I could feel myself struggle, but the mysterious man wouldn't let go, his grip was tight on my wrists, as he slammed me down onto my bed. I didn't like where this was going.

As he had pinned me down to the bed, he had gotten on top of me, both of his knees on either side of me. I tried my best to get free from his grip, but it just wasn't working. He didn't move at first, his face was close to mine, and his breathing was erratic. Then, one of his hands finally let go of mine, and I took this as an opportunity to try and hit the man on top. But, of course, I was too slow. As he used one of his large hands, to pin the both of my hands above my head. His free hand now snaked its way down to the pants I wore, tugging on the waistband, slowly dragging it down.. I knew what was coming next, and I hated it, I hated this so much. I didn't want this, and this thing, was taking advantage of me. All I could do was silently cry, and pray to the gods above. As he had fully gotten my pants off, he then pulled down my underwear, brushing his long pointed finger up the slit of me. It was only natural that my body would squirm, and to feel good. But I knew this was wrong, and I knew he was taking advantage of me. As his finger came to a halt, he started to slowly move his fingers in a circular motion. I hated how my body would react, as I was desperately trying my best to keep quiet, but it felt too good, "Shh." The mystery man had finally spoke, which made my heart pound even faster, as his voice was no voice of a human. As it was almost robotic? Demon like? I wasn't sure, all I knew was, I didn't like it. As his fingers picked up in pace, his grip on my wrists tightened, it felt as he was becoming more aggressive, I wasn't sure if I was the cause of this.. or was his own emotions taking over, thats if he had any..

By now, my body was a trembling mess, as I did my best to keep calm, and not let my emotions get the better of me. But, it seemed as that is what he wanted, he wanted to ruin me, he wanted to break down any resolve I had left. As now, his long fingers started to ram in and out of me. It was rough, but I had to admit, it felt good. And it was becoming even harder to maintain myself, as I bit down on my bottom lip, my back arched as my body was trying to feel more of his touch, I felt ashamed as I did this. But who could I blame, he made me feel so good..

I had let myself go a bit, as the moans got louder, and my body shook. I could feel myself climbing towards that climax, that I was unsure if I wanted. I may have seen this whole thing a bit different now, but I was still worried to fully let go. My free hand gripped onto the sheets below me, as my other covered my mouth. As I felt myself being pushed over the edge, as I let one last long groan. I felt my back arch, as the man's hand held me down, not wanting me to squirm. "Stay. Still." I groaned at this, even though he may not speak much, I found myself enjoying the sound of him. Which only drew me closer and closer, which then again.. it seemed as he was enjoying that. As the smirk had grew on his lips, as this was shocking to me.. seeing this amount of emotion come from this creature.. was truly baffling. But, no time to think about that, as another finger of his slipped into me. This was nearly it, and he knew it too. As his face got close to my own once more, his lips finally had came into contact with mine. His tongue had slipped in, intertwining with mine. And I couldn't help but to let out a moan, he had let go of my hands. So now I was able to run my hands along the back of him, which.. maybe I shouldn't have done, as I felt some sort of legs on the back of him, like a spider. Which, Ignored and kept touching him, the kiss had only deepened as his fingers got rougher.. "finish for me." He managed to say in between kisses, my hands that roamed his back had came to a halt as they tried to grip onto anything they could. Resulting in me grabbing onto the spider type legs he had going on, as my grip was tight.. this was it for me. As I was seemingly pushed over the edge, my moan was loud, as the orgasm hit hard. Luckily his lips had suppressed it.. he now, slowly pulled his fingers out of me. Raising them to my mouth, "open." He commanded, I had then opened my mouth for him, already knowing what he wanted.. I began to suck on his fingers. Tasting myself was so.. foreign, he then took them out of my mouth.. looking at me for a moment, then spoke once more. "Good girl.." he then disappeared.. and everything felt different.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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