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May 17th
Tokyo, Japan

A stage, music and a man's voice. It was an evening concert, one that lasted till mid-night, ending with a fan sign. The lovely voice sang loud and clear, in the midst of the rock background music. All the cheering of the fans could be heard calling two name. The first, obviously a stage name - Athen, and the other, a real name - Kazerume Dakai.

"Thank you...thank you, everyone, for all the support you have given me since the day I debuted. I am truly humbled.", said a young man, about 24 years old man, the star on stage.
"Mr. Kazerume, or should I say Mr. Athen, may I ask how did you decide your stage name? I find it a very unique menas immortality, if i'm not wrong.", asked a middle aged woman.
"Of course you may, and yes it does mean immortality, you seem to have done your homework, isn't it Mrs. Washibara?", asked the star, as both of them chuckled along with the laughter of the crowd. "Anyways, you ask how I decided my stage name, well... It's actually based on the name of my favorite from a book, who didn't really get to live his life to the fullest. He was killed at a very young age, and I always wished for him to have a better life. It made me think that if I could carry his name, and make other people feel happy, I would give the character justice and also hope the author feels happy to know their book is read".

"Oh wow, that truly is a good reason... If I may know, what is the name of this book? The way you described it, it seemed as if it is not a very known book, or perhaps a secret book?", she said smiling, as the idol and rest of the crowed burst out in laughter. "Ah, no's not a secret book, and the name of the novel is well, it's 'Lovely Princess, it may sound childish or girlish, but it's truly a good story... Though I would prefer a different ending.".... "Oh so ---------------- *Voice fades*

As it became time for the fan meet, it was already very late. In the center of the room was where the fan meeting was being held. it was an open space, everyone waiting in line to reach Dakai or you can say Athen - the name that made him famous, the name that reminded him of his mother.
"Thank you for being my fan, nice meeting you... hmm?", said Dakai as soon as he saw, someone completely dressed in black- a black hoodie, black mask, black jeans and black gloves. This mysterious man's hands were in his pockets, almost as if he was holding on to something. Before Dakai could even say something, that person charged forward, and the crowd gasped. The atmosphere had changed. A place filled with happiness and joy from meeting their idol, went to a place filled with crimson and screams. "YOU RUINED MY LIFE, YOU BECAME AN IDOL INSTEAD OF ME. YOU TOOK MY PLACE. YOU GOT LOVE, AND I GOT ABANDONED. PAY FOR THE LIFE I LOST. PAY FOR YOUR SINS.", was the only thing the mysterious person could say as he stabbed a knife dripping in crimson blood, into the idol. The young man had nothing to say as this person was taking his life force out of him. As the mask of the masked man fell, Dakai felt his heart throb. "Araki", he said, his child hood best friend. They were both orphans, who grew up together, but had different reasons to be parent less. They both wanted to be idols, but only one succeeded.

'No, I- Araki...did he always feel this way? That I abandoned him? Took his place? Lived his dream? I- I... I want to tell him, I never forgot him. I looked for him. Everywhere..... I. I don't want to die...I want to live, live like 'she' wanted me to. I want to live with Araki, I want to tell him, he was the only one other than her, that I loved. That I wanted. I- , I'm sorry. Mom. Araki.' he thought as darkness filled his vision, and he could not feel anything, anymore.

May 1st
South Korea, Seoul

"LEE SOK", said a man, who looked as if he was in his 50s. He was wearing a chef's outfit and holding a black leader covered notebook. "Yes sir, is there an issue?", asked a young girl of 23. "Why do you become a chef, if you can't cook? No hygiene, no flavor, no ANYTHING! YOU ARE AN ORPHAN, YOU DID NOT GET PROPER EDUCATION AN DI GET THAT, SO I NEVER SAID ANYTHING! BUT THIS- THIS IS OUT OF BOUNDS! YOUR FIRED! THIS IS A FIVE STAR RESTAURANT, NOT ANYONE CAN COOK HERE.", he walked out of the room as soon as he finished speaking. Leaving the young woman, in shock, in the midst of loud whispers. No one had ever been fired in such a harsh way. This incident would definitely spread across the other restaurants, and when it did, she would never be able to get a job as a cook again.

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