<Let's do it!>

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_______________The next day_____________

Ko narrating
        Tko is starting to feel better but is stil shaking and feels like his forehead is burning. But I can't stay with him all day because I'm going to work today, but I'll try to visit him during breaks.
     Ko:Tko, I have to to now. I will be late for work.
        Tko is behaving strangely.
     Ko:Is something wrong? Is your head  hurting again or something?
    Tko:I have nothing. Why would you think that?
     Ko: I don't know. Maybe because you look sad. Maybe you want me to stay with you?
   Tko:What? No. I'm just tried..
     Ko:Yes, sure. Anyway. If you need anything, you can tell me. You understand?
    Tko:I'm not two years old. I can take care of myself.
     Ko: I know Tko. I just want you to know that I'm here if you need me.
        I look at the clock and notice that it is getting late.
     Ko:I'll be late if I don'tleave now, so I'll see you later.
   Tko:See you...
_______________Out of mind______________

Carol:How long have you been? All is well?
Ko:Yes. I had something to do with Tko before I left.
Carol:Oh. Really? You guys didn't fight or something, right?
Ko:What? Oh no, no, no. It's just that...Tko hasn't been felling too well since yesterday and he didn't look very well and that's why we started arguing a bit and when he went to the kitchen he passed out. And it scared me very much. He was shaking a lot and had a very hight temperature.
Carol:Oh my god. And is it better now?
Ko:A little. But I'm still worried about leaving him alone.
Carol:It's normal to worry about him. But we are talking about Tko. He's strong and can handle himself and will definitely let you know if he needs it.
Ko:Yes, I know.
Carol:Ok, We're here  I'll pick you up after you finish.
Ko: Ok. Bye.
_______________In the store______________

Enid:Hey Ko!
Rad:Hello buddy!
Ko:Hey guys.
Enid:Ready for a new day of work, right?
Enid&Rad:Hey Dandy!
Enid:So Ko. What did you do yesterday on your off?
Ko:I took care of...Tko...
Enid:What? Seriously?
Enid:You could have done anything and you chose to stay with him?
Rad:Enid is right.
Ko:What's wrong with staying with Tko?
Enid:Ko, buddy. We are talking about Tko. He is bad and you are not. Why would you want to hang out with someone like him?

Me narrating
         Ko wanted to say something but he didn't know what and at the same time he felt like he was being blocked by his own friends. But then he remember what Tko said yesterday "...that's why everyone hates me.". Thinking about what Tko said yesterday made Ko feel stupid. But then he got angry thinking about how hurt Tko sad who thinks everyone hates him.
Ko:Could you stop talking about Tko like that?
Enid:What's happening to you all of a sudden? I said something wrong?
Ko:You talk about Tko as if he has no feelings. You have not right to do that.
Rad:Come on. You can not be serious. Are you kidding us or what?
Dandy:Are you okay ko?
       Dandy put a hand on Ko's shoulder but he immediately pushed it away.
Ko:Don't touch me!
Enid:Okay. Done Ko. It's not funny.
Ko:Do you really think talking about him like that is funny? Do you even know you're hurting him? All the time I kept quiet and didn't say anything that was wrong. I don't want you to talk about Tko like that anymore.
Dandy:Ko, are we talking about Tko. You know he's a villan. He only does bad thiks.
Enid:What the-
Rad:We may not know him but we all know he is evil. You know very well how many bad thinks he has done.
Ko:But when was fighting for you? It's good? During the resistance Tko helped us a lot. If he hasn't helped us, we wouldn't have won.
Ko:I left him alone when he needed me so many times that now he thinks I don't care about him...You know how much it hurt me to know that Tko thinks that. It hurts. It hurts a lot... It's only my fault. He is suffering because I was a such an idiot and didn't give him the attention he needed, I was such an idiot that I didn't stand up for him when someone was talking vad about him. Do you even know what happened to him yesterday? You know how worried I was about him?
Rad:Wh-What do you mean?
Ko:Tko is not felling well. He told me It's been like this since yesterday morning but I don't believe it. When I went to are him he looked terrible. He was still shaking and seemed distracted and tried. He...passed out.
Ko:He didn't tell me ce wasn't feeling well because he thought I don't care. But I care about him a lot. And the thought that he thinks exactly the opposite makes me feel stupid.
Enid:Ko...We didn't know...sorry...
Rad:Yes buddy... I didn't know our words would hurt him or make him feel this way.
Dandy:We are very sorry Ko. Can you forgive us?
Ko:I don't think I'm the one you need to apologized to. Don't you think so?
Ko:I'll get to work now.
Dandy:Ko wait-
Ko:Just leave me alone. I want to be alone.
         Ko leaves, leaving his friends angry at themselves for being able to make Ko sad. And what's more, they spoke badly about Tko without even thinking about his resentment. After Ko left, there was an awkward silance between the three until Rad decided to break the silance.
Rad:Girls. I think I messed it all up.
Enid:That's what I thought too. I didn't realize we could hurt Tko. I mean, I thought that with such a tough personality, a few words couldn't hurt him.
Dandy:I should have guessed that would happen.
Rad:What do you mean?
Dandy:Everyone knows that the toughest people are always the most sensitive.
Enid:We should have thought twice before. But that doesn't matter anymore. Now what are We going to do about it. There's no way we can talk to Tko to apologize because he's in Ko's mind.
       Then Dandy got an idea. If that worked, surely both Ko and Tko would forgive them. But she well have to convice others as well.
Dandy:I think I have a idea.
Rad:Really?And... Are you sure your idea will work? Whatever she is?
Enid:If it's Dandy's idea, than I turst it will work. So what's your point?
Dandy: I will make a machine that can separate Ko and Tko.
Rad:Hang in there Dandy. Are you sure this is the only way? Ibmean, you know everyone is scared of him.
Dandy:That's the only option.
Rad:Why can't we directly tell Ko to leave Tko icontrol for give minutes to apologize.
Dandy:It won't be that easy. You is not like Ko. You forgot? He won't go with some excuses. So do we do it?
        The two teenagers looked at each other uncertainly. But then they realized Dandy was right.
Enid&Rad:Let's do it!

Oh man. It took me a long time but I finally managed to finish this chapter as well. Anyway. In the next chapter we start with Tko. BYE!


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