☆●<Bonus chapter>●☆

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Me narrating
Tko:Ok pay attention to me.
        Tko says hurting the table with his hands.
Rad:Hey buddy. What's up?
Enid:Do you need anything?
Tko:Yes. I need you to help me.
Rad:Umm, what do you want us to help you with?
Tko:I want you to help me with Ko.
Enid:With Ko? What do you want to say?
Rad:Did something happen between you?
Tko:*Sigh*No. Nothing happened.
Rad:I don't understand. You want us to help you with Ko but nothing happened between you.
Enid:Honestly Tko, I don't understand either.
Tko:Do you remember when Ko told me he liked me and I told him I felt the same way?
       Both teenagerse said nothing, just nodded.
Tko:Well, although we both confessed,, neither asked the other if he want to be his lover.
Enid:I think I understand what you mean.
Tko:I really hoped you would understand. I honestly don't expect this alien to understand.
Enid:Haha. Yes you are right.
Rad:Why am I still with you?
Rko:Anyway. I want you to help me propose Ko to be my boyfriend.
Rad:Tko this is very simple. You could go directly to him and tell him. I mean, he's known you like him for a week already.
     Enid punches Rad, silencing him.
Rad:What was that for?!
Enid:I know you were N idiot but for re now. Tko can't just walk up to Ko and propose to be his boyfriend.
Rad:Then what would you like them to do?
Enid:Well...Umm. Oh Ok I know! Ko's birthday is in two days. Why don't you take him somewhere special when it can be just you, and us of course.
Tko:I like the sound of it but why do you have to be there?
Enid:To help you, logically. But don't worry, we'll be hidden.
Tko:Ok...So will you help me?
Rad&Enid:Of course!
                              With Ko
        Ko was in the forest by the lake where he and his mother often came when Ko was small. He was leaning against a tree, reading a book and eating his favourite snacks. After a cream, he puts down his book and went to the small lake in front of him where he sat down to enjoy the peace of nature. He closed his eyes feeling the breeze coming towards him when suddenly he left something grab him from behind. When he openedhis eyes he turned to the one hugging him from behind to find le Tko looking at him with a gentle smile.
Tko:What are you doing~?
Ko:I was relaxing a little. What do you? I thought you were with Enid and Rad.
          Tko let go of Ko and sat next to him.
Tko:I was with them but then I missed you.
         Tko said playfully to Ko, making him smile and blush a little.
Tko:So...Your day is in two days. Do you have plans?
Ko:Wouldn't it be your birthday then?
Tko:Practically not.
         Ko looked at Tko in confusion.
Ko:What do you mean?
Tko:Ko, you know that I began to exist in another month and day.
Ko:Oh that's right! So your birthday is not on June 18th.
Tko:Correct. Basically my birthday is on September 3rd.
Ko:So does that mean...I'm bigger than you?
Tko:In your dreams!
Ko:But June is before September.
Tko:Well, I',m taller.
Ko:That's not right. Wait.
Ko:It keeps coming up...How are you taller when you were in my mind we were the same height?
Tko:I don't know but I like it that way.
        Tko says as he rests his head on Ko's shoulder, making Ko smile.
                          Two days later
       Ko and Tko were heading to Gar's shop where they would meet Enid and Rad. When they arrive, they see the two teenagerse talking about who knows what.
Ko:Hey guys!
Enid:Huh? Ko! Tko! Hey!
Rad:Hi guys!
Enid:Happy birthday Ko!
Rad:Yes. Happy birthady!
Ko:Aww thanks guys!
Enid:Me and Rad got you a present.
Ko:What?But he didn't have to. You know you can tell me happy birthday and that's it.
Enid:Oh come on Ko. I am sure you will like it.
        Enid said holding out a box wrapped in green wrapping and a yellow bow. Ko takes it, looks a at it and then opens it. Inside was a green hooded sweatshirt. However, the hoodie reminded Ko of his phone case. He took the hoodie on and put the hood on his head.
Ko:Guys, I love it!
Enid:You look adorable in it!🥺☺️
Rad:That's right!😌
          Ko looked at Tko and noticed that he was looking at him.
Ko:Tko? Are you ok?
      Tko was looking at Ko not knowing what to say until he unknowngly said done that made Ko blush harder than ever.
Tko:You are adorable...
(Ko looks something like this)

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