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Crisstabelle POV
I was holding hands with grey who was sitting beside me while I was talking to Ezra, when Natsu stormed up
Natsu- hey Crissy do you want to go on a job later? Together?
Before I could answer myself grey said "no she would not, flame brain" with that he let go of my hand and clashed heads with Natsu creating a dark aura around them. "You don't speak for her GREY" "neither do YOU, I am her boyfriend! You are nothing!
"I am her... Friend" "exactly why you can't seem to make decisions for her, I can" before anything got out of hand I stood up, my conversation with Ezra was obviously over.
Me- NOBODY SPEAKS FOR ME, I AM MY OWN PERSON! YOU GOT THAT!? GREY I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT SO I WILL GO ON A JOB WITH NATSU SO THAT YOU CAN COOL OFF SEEING HOW YOU NEED IT! AND NATSU DONT TALK LIKE THAT WHEN YOU KNOW ITS GOING TO GET GREY UPSET EVEN WHEN HE IS SITTING NEXT TO ME, GOT IT?!!? i yelled getting both their attention. Grey heard what I said about him cooling off and stated that he was an ice Mage and is already cooled off. I replied that I was guessing natsu's heat rubbed off on him because he got hot headed. He went to sulk in a corner. Natsu was cheering that I was going on a job with him." So Natsu what kind of job are we going on?" "Oh it's a good one, I know how you like to play spi and so were are going under cover to a school called cross academy, we'll attend the night class in order to spi on this girl named yuki and record what she does and what her likings are, and her hobbies!" Wow...um that was intense. I looked over a grey when I said the next thing "when do we leave? And for how long?" He replied that we leave now and I can last up to 5 months. " five months!!" He nodded. Well... "Before we leave I have to do some adjustments to my appearance and say some things to grey" I said the last part really quiet knowing that his dragon slayer ears would hear it but not anyone other that dragon slayers. He looked pained when I said Grey's name but that went away so fast. He nodded and said he would go to my apartment to wait for me. Then I went over to the still sulking grey. He barely even looked up at me. I crouched next to him and moved my mouth close to his ear and whispered "grey, I am leaving. I won't come back for five months. Is this how you are going to make me leave you? Sulking in a corner about me going on a job with Natsu where girls and boys have their own dorms and we might not see each other because we'll get different schedules... Grey come on." I begged. He tuned towards me and had a slight smile on. I went to kiss him on the cheek but right as I was bout to kiss he turned his head slightly and make contact lips to lips. I closed my eyes as did he. When we broke apart he smiled and whispered. "Use your telepathy if he does something like advances on you I'll go and beat him to a pulp." I smiled. And he added " or you could just telepathy me every day so I know how it's going." My smile grew. "Deal" I said. He got up and he helped me to my feet. "I am coming with you to the train station to see you off, telepath me when your heading there" okay" I replied. He stayed at the guild and I walked to my apartment. I was next door to Lucy, sometimes I can hear Natsu climb into her window, he would into mine considering its right next to hers, but when grey told him not to go in it, even extra made him promise unless absolutely needed. Which was never needed because most nights grey would be right beside me. When I got there Natsu was talking to happy looking bored and when I stepped in there his face lit up. He helped me pack for the five month job and I reserved tickets for the train. He was not to keen to take the train for a whole day considering how for it is to get to cross academy then we have to take a cab to get there. Natsu had to leave Happy with Wendy and charla because he couldn't take him, they were both sad but I would not allow it no matter what. so I telepathically told grey we were heading out to the train station and he said he would meet us there. So me and Natsu left. He dint bring much, he does wear the same thing day after day. I'm surprised it does not stink though. Mabie he washed it every night? It's Possible.
Natsu interrupted my thoughts by waving a hand in front on my face. I snapped out. And continued walking with him looking at me warily. "Grey said he would meet us at the train station to see me off" I stated. "Lovely" he said with sarcastic ness in his voice.
I told him to stay put when we got to the platform while I got the tickets when I returned I saw him no where. I guessed he went to the bathroom but a small while later he did not come back so I telepathically asked him where he was. Silence.i started to worry, the train would be here in a few minutes. Then he responded. 'Chill okay? I'm dealing with a cold problem.' I got really upset ' NATSU IF YOU HURT GREY AND MISS THE TRAIN I AM NOT GOING TO FEEL SORRY FOR YOU AND WHEN YOU FINNALY MAKE IT THERE I AM GOING TO SLAP YOU SO HARD YOURE HEAT IS GOING TO LEAVE YOU FOR MINUTES OR EVEN THE REST OF THE DAY!' ' Kay I'll be quick' ' that is not reassuring' then I went to Grey's head 'grey are you okay?'
'Uh, yea why?' ' oh nothing the train is going to be here soon, Natsu might miss it he went off somewhere. Are you coming I can see the train.' 'Wait for me! I'm coming!' 'Kay I'll be last to board' 'don't move!' 'Not an inch' then I saw him as the train pulled up and halted. His hands were behind his back. "Get over here before I leave." I said "yes dear" "don't do that, you know I hate that" " I know" he smiled " here" he pulled a small gift from behind his back " don't open it until Natsu is passed out from motion sickness." I smiled " you didn't have to Grey" I looked up at him with tears threatening to spill. " hey don't cry. It's not goodbye. It's see you soon." "Your right" I kissed him as the person on the train was calling for the last to board. And I rushed off with the gift in my hand. Natsu still has not shown up yet. I telepathically told him ' I SWEAR NATSU WHEN WE SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN I AM GOING TO HURT YOU. THE TRAIN IS LEAVING!' ' what!! No don't hurt me I'm just running a small tad late! Tell them to wait!' ' I can't Natsu they are already pulling out' ' WHAT!' ' yup. And when I see you I am going to hurt you for making me worry.' ' sorry Crissy. I'll try to get there as soon as possible!' ' fine' I was so mad at him! I waved bye to grey who was outside my window of the car room. I got first class. It's really nice considering I am going to be traveling for about the equal of a day. When I see Natsu I am going to make him feel pain. I felt a nagging inside my head. I opend my telepathic phone and it was grey. ' hey mis me already?' I said 'yes!' And now you are all alone unprotected!' ' I'll be fine. Besides you should be happy, I am going to make Natsu feel pain for making me worry' 'good! But I still don't like you being alone.' ' I'm fine' 'miss you' 'miss you to' 'tell me when you get there okay?' 'Okay' then he was gone. It was about lunch time when the food service came. I got chili and a lemonade. I remembered the gift that grey had given me and I opened it. It was a necklace with a small ice heart on it. Aww grey! I had to telepath him 'Grey!' 'What are you okay?' 'Yes I'm fine the necklace is so pretty' 'I'm glad you like it!' 'I love you' 'love you more' 'bye' 'bye'
-Time skip-after the train ride-
That was such a long ride! After I told grey I was here I grabbed my suite cases and went to the taxi drive.
"TAXI!!!!!" And one pulled right by me. I put my cases in the car and got in. "To Cross Academy please"he nodded and started to drive. When I arrived there I pulled my things out of the car and paid him. I walked up to the gate and pushed open the heavy mental door and heard it creak. I saw somebody in the field, he noticed me and came over asking if I needed assistance.
"Hi I'm Crisstabelle Nakamura and I will be attending here, could you point in the direction of the head master's office please?" I asked as nicely as I could. He nodded and stated walking "well come on I'm not going to wait all day!" He said. He was a sort of cold person but had that hidden warmth. On the way he started to have a conversation with me " my name is zero, day class student. Patrol of night class and son of the headmaster." " hello, zero. May I ask why the night class needs a patrol?" "Before I answer that what class are you going to be in?" "The night class..." Then you already know the answer to that" he said coldly " well I really don't so may you please tell me?" "Are you really going into the night class?" " yes, I am, I wouldn't lie! That is one thing you should know about me. I don't lie" "well then it's hard to believe you don't know that vampires are dangerous!" "Oh, well I live around vampires who don't drink blood of humans" "that's odd" "not really, anyway why are you in day class when you are not human?" he stiffened at that "how do you know what I am?!" He basically yelled " because I can tell what everyone is, see you, are not a human..." as we stopped at a door he motioned that this is it and he had a dark expression. Before he could leave I said. "Thank you for your help zero" he nodded.

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