Chapter 2: 'We got one more joining us for lunch today'

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Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot (2/3)

Sticking to my plan from yesterday I head straight to Barbs classroom when I get to Abbott, coffee in hand and backpack flung over one shoulder. I knock three times on Mrs Howard's door and hear a faint "come in" coming from inside so I head in. "Ah Alexander good to see you. Have a seat. How was your first day at Abbott?", her cheerful spirit immediately putting me in a better mood. "It's gone well thanks Mrs Howard, everyone has been nice so far, kids are lovely too" I reply with a smile. "I was wondering if you can help me with some lesson planning" she nods and comes to sit next to me on the desk "I've just been struggling with thinking of classes for the younger ones that helps engage them and teach them. Since you're the best kindergarten teacher Abbott has to offer, I thought to come straight to you" smirking at the compliment, Mrs Howard beams and starts spouting out numerous great ideas of lessons for the kids. Painting shapes and family portraits, teaching them colours and how to mix them together. Even getting them to paint a specific number of dots or their favourite animals. This woman really is a saint. There is another knock at the door and Janine comes in "Good morning, Mrs Howarddddddddddddd" she sings before seeing you both talking and Barbs class solving maths problems "Oh I'm so sorry, I can come back later if –" I cut Janine off telling her not to worry as we're done. I turn to Mrs Howard "You are an angel Mrs Howard. Seriously, thank you for this. You've been an amazing help". "Anytime Alexander" she gets up and hugs me "see you later" I say the same back to her and a small "see you later Janine" before shutting the door on my way out. Just as I'm about to start lesson planning in my classroom an announcement comes over the speaker system "Good morning teachers. During passing, please come to the front entrance for a special announcement about some much-needed improvements to the school that I made happen". Oh God. What has Ava done now.

I head out front and see all the teachers huddles by the steps. "whats going on?" I ask no one in particular while heading to stand next to melissa. "Who knows. It probably has something to do with the email Janine sent Ava" the redhead responds. "I highly doubt that" barb chimes in. "What email?", "The one about the rugs you gabootz". Rugs? "Janine wants a new rug" Barbra explains, seeing the confused look on my face. Now understanding it (only slightly) I just nod, then Ava begins "The district was so moved by my plea that they approved the emergency budget and sent us the money right away" The teachers all clap and Ava continues. "We could've hired aides, we could have gotten rugs, but then I thought No..." Oh God Ava what have you done. Her voice fades into the background while I turn to look at the teachers worries, angry and disappointed expressions when Ava reveals her sign. I put a comforting hand on Melissas shoulder and run my hand up and down her arm. What? She seemed upset. What I failed to see was barb looking at us with a shocked but knowing expression as she sees Mel's cheeks slightly flush. "You spent all of the money on this?!" Janine yelling at Ava, bringing me back down to earth. I see Barb lean over Janine's shoulder "How's that optimism taste?". I chuckle at her causing Melissa to let out a small chuckle aswell. The movement of her shoulders going up and down makes me realise I am still subconsciously running my hand down her arm and slowly remove it from around her shoulders. Seems like Melissa also didn't realise as she looks at me out of the corner of her eye and flushes a little again as I let her go.

After that trainwreck of an announcement we're free to go back to our classrooms. Heading back to my room Janine, Gregory and Jacob go marching down the corridor "I'm going to do something". Oh God, this won't end well.

I have a very uneventful morning. As I don't have classes till next week, I just started planning out the lessons Mrs Howard helped me come up with this morning. They're going to be great fun. I have planned for the younger classes to paint their favourite animals and pick one fact about them that they like. I'm planning on putting them all on the wall with the facts under them and making it into a zoo or safari display, I can't wait. I'm sat on a desk again, feet on a chair and listening to music from my laptop while typing away at this lesson plan. I had almost finished when a knock snaps me out of my planner trance. My head snaps up and I see Melissa "sorry, didn't mean to scare ya' hon". "It's fine. Everything okay? Is my music too loud? Do you want me to turn it down?" I ramble, worried I've disturbed her class. "Did you not hear the bell?" I just stare at her "guess not "she chuckles. "Me and Barb are going out for lunch, wanna join us?" I sit there slightly in shock, Janine said they always have lunch just the two of them. I realised I hadn't answered. "Uh yeah sure, let me just save this then we can head off." I save my planning and jump off my desk. "What we're you doin? Seemed like you were very into it" I walk round to put my laptop on my desk and grab my coat and phone. "Just lesson planning. Thinking of painting animals with the younger kids. Barb came up with the idea, think I might make a display out of it", "Sounds like fun" "mhm". I put my coat on as we both head down the hallway to Barbs class. "We got one more joining us for lunch today" Melissa announces to her, she starts putting her coat and scarf on before walking towards us "I thought we said Janine is lovely but never coming out to lunch with- "she pauses when she sees it's me "Oh Alexander, how lovely" she smiles. "How's the lesson planning coming along". I talk animatedly about the new animal project I'm planning, both teacher's eyes never leaving me, taking in every word. That is until we're interrupted again by Janine. Again. How in the world does that tiny woman have so much energy. She looks between us three a bit confused but continues on about how she's gone over Ava's head to get rugs. Barbra and Melissa look like they're about to bite her head off. "The superintendent never sees our e‐mails. He has them bounced back to the person in charge of where they came from." Barbra states matter-of-factly.

The speakers buzz and Ava's voice echoes through the halls "Teachers, it's come to my attention that some of you... one of you... think it's okay to go over my head. So during lunch break... this lunch break... we'll be having a trust workshop so that we can learn how to become a work family. It's gonna be fun!"

Oh shit.

Chapter 2 end WC: 1226

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