Chapter 3: 'This school really is special'

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Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot (3/3)

I have no idea where we're going so, I just follow along behind. Melissa taps the seat next to her, so I sit, still unsure on what is actually happening right now. "What's happening?" I ask to no one in particular. "Well, handsome, I learned that someone here doesn't respect me. But it's not about me, 'cause if you don't respect me, how can you respect this school?". Barb turns only to see Melissa's expression harden at the flirty comment aimed Alex's way. " You can't. It's mathematically impossible." I feel someone move next to me followed by "If that was the case, none of us respect this school". I try and supress my chuckle while Melissa smirks back. "Let's try an exercise where we say whatever we want out loud to each other, no matter how critical. It'll be fun! Let's start with Janine." this is not going to end well. "Pretty boy, how about you try?" Looking up I realise she meant me. "Oh, umm" getting flustered under every teachers gaze I look down. I don't even know who half these people are. I feel a pinkie brush against my hand and link with mine, looking over I see it's coming from the redhead seated next to me. My blush getting redder. "I really don't want to" It comes out Shakey. Ava notices how much this has got to me and thankfully moves on "You're right. It should be someone who knows her better. Jacob, Barbara?" blocking everything out I take some deep breathes to calm my nerves, I notice a pinkie still locked with mine. Melissa must have noticed my blush getting deeper and squeezes comfortingly. I jump and disconnect our hands as Barbra suddenly stands up and tells Ava off. Jacob then stands up followed by Melissa who I follow out like a lost puppy. Trailing behind we all stop outside Janine's room.

"Every lunch period, Barbara." The hurt lining her words. The sight of the small boy napping on Janine's floor hits us all hard. My frown must have been clear on my face as Melissa's hand comes to rest on my shoulder. The feeling of her thumb rubbing my shoulder trying to comfort me makes the blush return to my cheeks. The following words breaking our hearts "I told him to sleep at his desk, but he says the rug is softer... softer than his bed at home."

"Janine, teachers at a school like Abbott... we have to be able to do it all. We are admin. We are social workers. We are therapists. We are second parents. Hell, sometimes, we're even first."

It hadn't really hit me till this moment how much these teachers do, how much they care for each and every one of these kids. They truly are superheroes. My shoulder turns cold as everyone's attention is now on Melissa while she mumbles "I'm gonna have to bake a ziti." Making me give her a side eye. She winks back at me then walks away. "Hey, Tony, you big strunz, listen, you still workin that stadium build?"


Confessional 2


"The teachers here are resourceful. I admire that. They put so much of themselves into this Job. They care about the kids so much; they do anything to get them what they need. They do anything to see them succeed... This school really is special."



Later that day I'm sketching out how the zoo display could look crossed legged on top of a desk in my room... My room. It just hits me that I have a classroom and will teach these students.The realisation makes me both anxious and excited. Mostly excited. I can't wait to teach these kids about art and encouraging their creativity.

A knock on the door knocks me out of my thoughts. "They're here" is all Barbra says to have me shooting up and racing to the door. All the teachers are powerwalking down the hallway to meet Melissa outside. Cheers erupt from the teachers as rugs are loaded out of the van. I climb in the back with ease, Melissa turning to me giving a soft nod at the action. We hand out rugs to all the teachers as they say their thanks. "Hey, thank you so much. What's your name?" our heads whip to Janine giving her a pointed look, me moving the rug to lightly hit her head while we hear "I got no name."" He doesn't got a name". Once they're all handed out, I turn and Melissa lightly hits me on the shoulder with a rug "don't think I forgot you newbie", She smirks as she sees the blush once again invade my cheeks. "Well thank you Schemmenti, I appreciate it", It comes out a lot softer than intended causing a pink flush to appear on Melissa's face too.

We all go into our classrooms to showcase our rugs. I hear positive cheers coming from the classrooms and unroll mine. But It's not an eagle like I expected. Instead, the rug is grey covered in colourful paint like splatters. I freeze, just staring in awe at Melissas decision. It fits perfectly with the atmosphere I want to create with this room. "Ya' like it? It looks good in here". Speaking of the devil. "It's beautiful" I turn to face her "Thank you so much melissa" grabbing her hand "really... thank you". Her thumb rubs up and down my hand "Anytime hon"


Confessional 3

"I'd say it has been an eventful start. Abbott is amazing. The students and the teachers are really special"

The camera pans to melissa leaving the building


"I think I'm gonna like it here"




End of chapter WWC : 944

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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