Chapter 5: Healing Wounds

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"Guinevere!" A strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back from the precipice just in time. My body pressed against a warm, solid chest... I turned around and looked up into the concerned green eyes of Sir Lancelot. Shocked, I wept on his shoulder, my sobs wracking my body.

Lancelot held me close and stroked my hair, his gentle hands soothing my desperation. I clung to him like a child, his strong body providing a safe haven for my broken spirit.

"Please, don't ever do that again, my Queen," Lancelot pleaded, his voice a mixture of relief and anguish. "You must know how much you matter, not just to the people of Avalon, but to those who care for you."

His words, filled with genuine concern and emotion, pierced my heart as I clung to him, my body shaking from the terrifying ordeal. Lancelot's kindness and warmth enveloped me and I felt the gentle brush of his lips against my forehead, offering a brief respite from the hopelessness that threatened to consume me.

"Promise me, my Queen," he whispered into my hair, his breath warm against my ear. "Promise me you'll never do something so reckless again."

I nodded, unable to speak, my tears soaking his doublet. As I drew back from his embrace, I stared into his eyes. The attraction I felt towards him was undeniable, yet I knew I could not betray my duty to Avalon.

"Thank you, Sir Lancelot," I managed to choke out between sobs. "You saved my life."

As Lancelot held me close, his eyes scanned my bruised and battered body with a mixture of concern and anger. "My Queen, who did this to you?" he demanded, his voice strained.

"I... I can't tell you," I whispered, avoiding his gaze. The truth weighed heavily upon me, but I feared what might happen if I revealed it.

"Please, you must trust me," he implored, his green eyes pleading for honesty. "I cannot help you if you don't let me."

Despite my misgivings, part of me desired to put my faith in him and share all that had happened at the hands of King Arthur. Yet I had to be sensible; he served as one of the Knights of the Round Table, which made him a loyal follower of His Majesty. How could I guarantee that this man would not inform his sovereign of my words?

The risk was too great, and I could not bring myself to speak. Instead, I remained silent, my eyes downcast.

Lancelot sighed, understanding my reluctance. "Come, let's get you to the infirmary. I'll take care of your injuries."

Sir Lancelot led me through the dimly lit castle corridors, our footsteps echoing softly as we made our way to the infirmary. Once inside, Lancelot guided me to sit on a small cot, his strong hands gentle yet firm. He disappeared for a moment, returning with a tray filled with medicinal herbs and bandages.

"Where did you learn about all this?" I asked, genuinely curious as I watched him carefully mix a poultice.

"During my years of training, I learned more than just swordplay," he replied with a slight smile. "A knight must be prepared for any situation."

Reluctantly, I allowed him to lift my gown slightly to treat the bruises on my legs. His warm hands brushed against my skin, sending shivers up my spine. I bit my lip, trying to suppress my feelings, reminding myself of my duty to Avalon.

"Forgive me if this causes you discomfort, my Queen," he murmured as he applied the poultice to my injuries. "But it will help with the swelling and pain."

"Thank you, Sir Lancelot," I whispered, feeling a strange sense of vulnerability under his touch.

When he finished with my legs, he moved to my back, his fingers gently tracing the marks left by Arthur's fury. I tensed at the contact, struggling to maintain my composure as his hands worked their healing magic.

"You don't have to suffer in silence," Lancelot said softly, his breath warm against my ear. "If anyone so much as lifts a finger against you, come to me right away."

His words pierced my heart, and I found myself wanting to confide in him more than ever. But my fear held me back, and I remained quiet, allowing him to finish treating my wounds.

As he stepped away, our eyes met once more, and I could see the unspoken questions lingering in his gaze. The tender way he touched me, the concern in his eyes – it all made my heart race and my body tingle with longing.

"Thank you, Sir Lancelot," I repeated, my voice barely audible. "For everything."

He simply nodded, the intensity of his green eyes conveying a depth of emotion that left me breathless.

And as I rose from the cot, my body still aching but my spirit bolstered by his care, I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps my heart had found a safe haven in the arms of the handsome knight.

"We should go," he said softly. "You need to rest."

I smiled at him and pulled my gown back over my shoulders, covering my battered body. As I moved towards the door, he followed a step behind, offering his arm for support.

"Allow me, my Queen," he said, his voice barely audible as our fingers brushed against one another. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but glance up at him, our eyes meeting in a moment of unspoken understanding.

As we stood there, mere inches apart, I felt his hot breath against my skin, tickling the sensitive flesh of my neck and causing my pulse to quicken. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel the heat rising within me, an undeniable attraction blossoming between us.

"My Queen..." Lancelot whispered, his voice rough with desire as his gaze locked onto my lips. It was as if time stood still, our breaths mingling, the tension between us palpable.

But just as I felt myself begin to lean into his embrace, a sudden noise from the corridor outside brought me crashing back to reality. It was the sound of footsteps approaching the infirmary. My eyes widened in panic as I quickly pulled away from Lancelot, instinctively looking for a place to hide. It would be difficult to explain why I was with Sir Lancelot alone in the infirmary at this time of the night, my gown barely covering my body.

"Quick, behind the large cabinet," he whispered, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the massive wooden structure. We squeezed ourselves into the narrow space, our bodies pressed tightly together as we tried to remain unseen.

"Is someone there?" a voice called out, accompanied by the creak of the door fully opening. My heart pounded in my chest, threatening to give us away.

"If you're running through the castle drunk again I'll have you hanged," another voice replied, the footsteps growing closer. I held my breath, praying they wouldn't discover our hidden spot.

As we stood there in the darkness, I couldn't help but feel the heat radiating off Lancelot, his strong arms encircling me protectively. Despite my fear, I couldn't deny the allure of his touch, and I found myself leaning into him, seeking comfort in this terrifying situation. The warmth of his breath on my neck caused goosebumps on my skin.

"Looks like no one's here after all," one of the voices said, followed by the sound of retreating footsteps.

I felt Lancelot's grip around me loosen as we both let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Are they gone?" I whispered, barely able to contain the tremor in my voice.

"Seems so," Lancelot replied, gently guiding me out from behind the cabinet. Our eyes met in the dimly lit infirmary, and for a moment, I could have sworn I saw Lancelot blush.

"Thank you," I murmured, still feeling the lingering heat of his body against mine. "You saved me twice tonight."

"Always at your service, my Queen," he said softly, his green eyes locking onto mine. His gaze was so intense, I could feel my heart skip a beat.

And then, without realising it, our faces drew closer, until I could feel his warm breath teasing my lips. I knew it was wrong, and the danger we faced was immense, but at that moment, I didn't care. I wanted him more than anything.

I placed a hand on his chest and suddenly, as if reading my mind, Lancelot's hand rose to my waist and pulled me closer to him, his fingers lightly tracing the length of my body.

"My Queen," he whispered, raising a hand to brush a stray strand of hair from my face. As his fingertips grazed my cheek, I leaned in, closing the gap between our lips.

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