Chapter 8: A Moment of Weakness

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Just as the unicorn prepared for its final assault, Sir Lancelot appeared like an avenging angel, his chiselled features set in fierce determination. I couldn't believe my eyes! Sensing my peril, he leapt from his horse and charged forward with unwavering resolve, his sword raised high. He launched himself at the beast, using the blade of his sword to push its horn away from me.

I watched Lancelot battle the unicorn, entranced by his fluid and graceful yet powerful moves, a testament to his formidable prowess as a warrior. His formidable arms flexed with each swing of his sword, his sculpted chest heaving with exertion. My heart pounded in my chest, an unfamiliar heat stirring within me as I watched him. I had never known desire like this before, but now, at the most inopportune of moments, it consumed me.

"My Queen, please run!" he called out, his voice strained but determined. "Take my horse!"

The sight of Lancelot, hair tousled and eyes ablaze with passion, only served to heighten my attraction and admiration for him.

"There's no way I'll leave you behind!" I replied, my voice strained with emotion. Desperate to aid him, I gripped my knife tighter.

"If you insist..." Lancelot grunted between swings, clearly struggling against the unicorn's relentless attacks. "Strike when it's distracted!"

I nodded, my pulse quickening as I prepared myself. I slowly approached the unicorn from behind, and my opportunity soon came. The unicorn reared back, its sharp hooves thrashing dangerously close to Lancelot's face. Seizing the moment, I lunged forward, my knife flashing as I slashed at one of the beast's hind legs.

"Go!" I shouted, my voice filled with urgency.

Lancelot didn't hesitate, pressing his advantage against the formidable creature. As the unicorn stumbled from the unexpected pain, he swung his sword with all his might, landing a decisive blow to its heart. The creature's screech echoed all around us.

"Aaahh!" Lancelot roared as he pushed his sword deeper within the monster's body.

The unicorn's silver blood spilled upon the forest floor as it collapsed, its mighty form crumpling beneath Lancelot's strength. Panting heavily, he turned to me, our eyes locking as we found ourselves sweaty, blood-smeared and breathless. He fell to his knees before me, our foreheads touching as we shared a moment of peace.

"My Queen," he whispered, his warm breath tickling my lips, sending shivers down my spine. "Are you hurt?" He asked as he gently cupped my face between the palms of his hands.

"Only a scratch," I murmured, my heart racing as his piercing green eyes held mine captive. "Thanks to you."

"Never have I seen such bravery," he said, a look of admiration in his eyes as he breathed a sigh of relief. "You held that creature back like a true warrior."

"Thank you," I replied, unable to hide the blush that crept onto my cheeks as his fingers gently wiped away a smear of blood from my face. The tender touch sent a jolt of desire through me, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have those strong hands exploring the rest of my body.

"My Queen," he began hesitantly, "forgive me..."

"Forgive you for what?" I asked, confusion clouding my thoughts.

A blush crept up Lancelot's cheekbones, intensifying the allure of his emerald eyes. "I... I got carried away during the Lovers Dance. I should have stopped, but... I couldn't... I didn't want to stop."

My heart raced as excitement flooded through me, and I interrupted him. "I adored it, Lancelot. I couldn't bear for you to stop... That dance at my wedding was the only memory I will cherish from that day."

Tenderness flickered in his eyes, and I reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. But Lancelot caught my hand, pressing it firmly against his cheek. His smouldering gaze heated my skin as the unspoken tension between us crackled like lightning.

Unable to resist any longer, Lancelot brought his lips down to mine, his kiss searing and passionate. I was taken aback at first but quickly surrendered to the sweet taste of him, our mouths moving together in a desperate dance of desire.

I could feel everything. His tongue teasing my lips, the saltiness of sweat, my racing heartbeat and the crunch of the dirt underneath us. I enjoyed the softness of his lips on mine and the roughness of the stubble from his chin.

We sank onto the forest floor, entwined in each other's arms, rolling amongst the fallen leaves and trampled undergrowth. Our hands roamed over one another's bodies despite the dirt and the unicorn blood.

I was the first to undo the laces of Lancelot's shirt, revealing his chiselled shoulders, beads of sweat running down his hard pecs and perfect abs. I couldn't help but explore every inch of him with my hands and mouth. His body shivered when I traced the contours of his muscular chest and abdomen.

Tentatively at first, then more secure, Lancelot's fingers went over my belly, exploring slowly. As his hands reached my breasts, I bit back a moan of pleasure. I hastily pulled my tunic apart, revealing my breasts almost completely. He caressed my cleavage and my nipples hardened in anticipation. His skilled fingertips played with them below my tunic, sending waves of excitement through me.

Entranced, I settled myself atop Lancelot and felt his erection pressing against my very core. A hot wetness pooled between my legs and I gasped in pleasure as I rocked slowly to and fro. Lancelot's breathing sped up, the heat of his skin radiating into mine.

"My Queen," Lancelot moaned, his voice thick with need. And in that moment, all I wanted was to be consumed by him, to lose myself in the fire of our passion.

Suddenly, the clangs of battle and strife seemed leagues away, replaced by the ragged breaths we shared. The world beyond our fervent embrace ceased to exist—there was only us, and the undeniable longing that bound us together. But even in the midst of our passion, a small part of me knew that this stolen moment could not last forever.

Guilt and fear stabbed at my heart—what if King Arthur found us? What kind of punishment would we both face if he discovered our affair? Not only would Lancelot and I suffer his wrath, but so too would the faes of Avalon.

The distant sound of horses neighing and hooves pounding against the earth jolted me back to reality. I tore my lips from Lancelot's, a sinking feeling in my chest as I realised the Knights of the Round Table were nearly here and we were about to be discovered, barely clothed and panting.

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