The First-Night with My Prince charming

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Sitting on the mattress, Zoya tried to calm the beating of her heart, as anxious as everything else in her body. The flower petals surrounding her, the festively decorated room and the subdued lighting specially installed for the occasion reminded her of only one thing : her First-Night

In the space of a week, she had performed her mehendi function, followed by her nikkah, where she uttered the following three words: "Qubool hai, Qubool hai, Qubool hai".

She wept for a long time after being bound before the almighty to Ayaan Haider not out of despair but out of sadness, nostalgia, she had left the family home and she wouldn't be there bothering her parents every hour as she was used to.

She laughed at the thought as she tried to shed a tear. Her abu and Ammi would always be there, that was certain, but not like before. She now had to invest herself in this new sacred bond, that of Husband-wife.

She wasn't sure what had prompted her to accept this proposal of marriage, Ayaan was known as a good religious man, he was a great police officer of repute who had more than once saved the country during risky operations, he only reminded her of the hero in the film Singham.

But unlike the film hero, he was also slightly cold, he wasn't mean but he wasn't very expressive outside his family either, he was intimidating and knew how to make himself respected, the Haider family was a powerful family, that's why Zoya was lost when they chose her as a potential daughter-in-law and especially Ayaan as his potential wife, the one who was going to complete half of his Deen. She had prayed the istikhara prayer immediately to get the answer from her creator, who had not shown her any negative sign, and her heart was telling her for some reason to accept at all costs.

Now she was Zoya Ayaan Haider, waiting for her husband on their first night together. Her heart, which had been brave in agreeing to this marriage, was cowardly when she heard the bedroom door open.

She closed her eyes in fear under her veil, which covered the whole of her face right down to her torso. How could she keep her composure in the face of this man whom she had never met in real life, only briefly at the time of their nikkah, would he respect her ? Faced with these questions, she cursed herself inwardly for not having thought of talking to him at least once, even though he had suggested it to her parents, but she knew it was no use, she would have been so shy that she would have looked at the ground as if it were her soul mate throughout their discussion.

Suddenly she felt two large hands resting on her long veil, her eyes still closed, and she gripped both knees firmly.

"Ya Allah" she shouted inwardly.

He must have spent a long time in silence, and she had no idea why Ayaan did nothing, was he shy and stressed too? Unlikely

"It's for you" she heard Ayaan's male voice ring in her ear.

His voice was enough to make her open her eyes, he looked straight into her eyes and she instantly blushed, Ayaan was delighted with the effect he had on his wife and smirked, Zoya lowered her eyes and looked at a small gift pack he was holding in his hands.

She picked it up awkwardly and her little finger grazed Ayaan's palm, giving him a pleasant tingling sensation.

She took a long look at the parcel from all angles, Ayaan probing her with amusement, he had clearly understood that Zoya was stressed, which was normal for a young bride, she had left her home, her parents to start her life here with him, she needed time to adapt and especially to get to know him fully, and trust him.

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