The secret Wifey of the Basketball player (1)

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"Half-time, a single point, and the Warrior team from the University of Sydney won the match and qualified for the final match of the tournament at the big stadium" shouted the commentator

The students cheered from behind the bleachers of their gymnasium, where the basketball match was taking place between their team and their opponents from a neighbouring university. The players from the Warrior team rehydrated by drinking their water, while listening to their coach's latest crucial advice.

Zainab wasn't missing a beat, her gaze focused on the team's star player, the captain, Harun Zafar, standing with his water bottle in his hand, his forehead sweaty, despite his tiredness and jerky breathing, he listened determinedly to his coach while motivating his team for the final moments.

"Aren't you jealous ?" asked Reema, Zainab's best friend.

Zainab looked back for a moment at her best friend, who was busy stuffing her face with onion crisps, and motioned for her to look a little further down, which she did.

She saw dozens of young girls devouring Harun with their naked eyes, some openly saying how much they loved being his girlfriend, others inventing strategies to make him fall in love with her.

Zainab pouted as she adjusted the duputta of her chudidar, which earned her several rather judgemental looks. Her family had moved from Pakistan to Australia, where they had settled about ten years ago, but Zainab was proud of her origins and her religion and she wasn't going to change it for anyone, least of all for foreigners who took the liberty of labelling her.

Pouting, she snatched the packet of crisps from her best friend.

"It's your stupid nice husband who's causing your frustration and I'm the one who's suffering the consequences", Reema mumbled, putting a soothing hand on her best friend's shoulder in spite of everything.

Zainab pouted even more, her best friend wasn't wrong, Harun was her cousin and her husband, their respective families had already decreed their alliance a long time ago and they were soon to celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary. However, they didn't live together, Harun had asked that he be financially independent so that he and Zainab could live together, and their family had taken a positive view of this.

To Zainab's great detriment, she had been madly in love with him since she was a little girl, but when she is constantly told that he is going to be her husband, her childish heart eventually falls under his spell.

But she wondered if this was the case with Harun, they had so little conversation that Zainab remembered every word of their entire conversation. His strange behaviour towards her bothered her, and when he asked her not to tell anyone about their relationship, she was even more hurt.

She had told herself that it wasn't to start a rumour, as he was well known, but as time went on, she thought that maybe he was ashamed of her after all, as no one even knew they were cousins. Zain was an intelligent and likeable girl, but Harun apparently didn't think so.

Only Reema was aware of the situation, she had been his best friend since he arrived, the only one not to have judged him, she was half Pakistani and half Australian.

"You know, you should divorce Harun, OK he's handsome but he shows no consideration for his own wife, and you should marry Shahrukh Khan instead, I mean he's handsome and he's got an extraordinary character" said her friend.

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