A half-hearted PROMISE 💍

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Struggling to free himself from Adi's fierce and brutal grip, Sajid finally ran like the coward he was out of the classroom, plunged into almost total darkness.

Adi pursued him for a moment, enraged, through the corridors of the school where he was a student, but stopped with a furious growl.

Gasping, he stumbled back to his feet, looking for her with his eyes, catching his breath, but the darkness didn't help his vision. Finally, it was the sound of her sobs that told him where Ajwa was hiding.

He approached the table carefully, so as not to frighten her, and crouched down to face Ajwa, hidden beneath it, her head buried between her knees, folded against herself, her elbows wrapped around her for protection. She shivered with fear and sobbed softly.

Adi felt bad for her for the first time, since the moment they had both met at the back-to-school ceremony, it had been EXPLOSIVE !

Ajwa had clumsily poured her bottle of water over his favourite clothes that he had worn that day, and they had been at loggerheads. He because his clothes had been soaked for nothing, and she because of His arrogance in not accepting her sincere apology.

He thought she was too much of a perfect girl with old-fashioned values, whereas Ajwa thought he thought too highly of himself, a arrogant person.

However, when he accidentally appeared in the classroom and saw Ajwa trapped in Sajid's arms, struggling to escape and save herself, he couldn't help but rush to her aid. His own sister had been in a similar situation in the past and he couldn't bear to see any girl go through the same thing, it made him so angry.

He'd always known that Sajid was a horrible person, but he'd never have thought him so bad as to so deviously trap a young girl in order to take away her dignity, and not even Ajwa would have thought it, although Sajid was a heavyweight when he tried to seduce her despite all the rejections she gave him.

"How am I supposed to comfort someone ?" muttered Adi to himself.

Despite his popular reputation, and his huge family, Adi wasn't the most expressive when it came to sentiment, and as a result, he had very little experience in terms of comforting people. Usually, he would buy a gift or use his sense of humour, but there was little chance of that working with Ajwa, especially in this state.

He sighed, annoyed by his own inability.

"Yo brawler, don't cry, you're a big girl, not a crybaby, are you ? "he tried a first attempt at comfort.

He tried several more times, and on the fifth time he stopped and really wondered, "Was he that bad ? "
He was about to make his last attempt when Ajwa suddenly raised his head and gave him a painful slap that he had never received from his parents.

Stunned, he fell silent, watching this girl with whom he had never got on, being fierce with him even in difficult moments, as if it were natural for her to be in his presence.

"THIS IS YOUR WAY OF COMFORTING ME EVEN THE PARROTS ARE BETTER" she shouted at him at the top of her voice.

Adi tried to hold back as hard as he could but ended up laughing uncontrollably. Ajwa stopped for a moment, staring at him in amazement, normal people would get angry or cry after a slap, but the boy standing in front of her was definitely different.

"He's a strange specimen" she thought loudly.

Adi calmed down very quickly, and Ajwa blushed slightly, forgetting her previous state. It was the first time that Adi had looked at her with such kindness that she didn't know how to take it.

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