The Secret Wifey Of the Basketball player (3)

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Zainab looked apprehensively at the test she had placed on the edge of the washbasin, waiting for the results.

She wasn't sweating, but her body felt like it was dripping with sweat. She didn't know what to think, her head was in turmoil, her thoughts even more inverted, at this rate she was going to end up understanding Chinese, Korean and Japanese and forget everything else.

Finally, after five minutes of waiting, she caught the test in her hands and saw two bars.

"One bar, the test was negative"

"Two bars, the test was positive"

"POSITIVE, POSITIVE, POSITIVE, the pregnancy test was positive"

That's exactly what echoed in her head, she collapsed to the floor and a few tears were already running down her cheeks. She didn't even know why she was crying : out of sadness ? Out of joy ? Out of fear ? Out of Angers ? Out of relief ?
No, she just needed to cry.

For two months now, she'd been feeling a bit bloated all over, and had an ogre's appetite and a strange attraction to the smell of bed linen. She'd thought it was nothing, just a phase probably due to the exams she'd had during that period, but now that they were over, she'd noticed that in addition to the previous symptoms, she'd also been experiencing night-time nausea and, above all, a delay in her period.

Harun wasn't aware of the latest symptoms and wanted to accompany her to the doctor, but Zainab refused, saying she was just tired, and how hard it was to convince her worried husband not to take me to the doctor. She wanted to check her intuition first, and now that she had done so, she was sure: she was pregnant, carrying her very first child.

After calming down, she put a hand on her belly, pulled up her long jumper, and felt strange: her child was inside, protected, and would stay there for nine months together.

"You like me, don't you ?" she stroked her belly affectionately, letting a smile appear on her face.

She heard the door to their flat slam, indicating that Harun, who had gone to the pharmacy to fetch her some medicine, was coming back.

With slow steps, she approached the living room, where he had sat down to drink a glass of water, as soon as he sensed his wife's presence. Putting down his glass of water, he hurried towards her, cupping her face with both hands and lightly caressing her dark circles with his thumbs.

"Did you cry?" he asked, not liking the idea of her crying alone in his absence.

Zainab, who at first wanted to hide this detail, faced with his familiar, reassuring air, quickly rushed against him.

Harun, still waiting for his answer, nevertheless held his wife firmly against him, and Zainab relaxed in his arms, and she was sure that their child must have felt just as safe in his father's arms.

She nodded against Harun's chest, finally answering his question. He dropped back with Zainab on the sofa, and she quickly adjusted her legs.

"Why ?" he breathed softly, lightly massaging Zainab's back.

Zainab didn't answer right away, but when she finally felt Harun kiss her forehead, she felt brave enough to continue.

"I'm pregnant, Harun," she said seriously, pulling her head back slightly to meet his eyes.

Harun suddenly froze, until despite himself, a silly smile appeared on his lips as he took in the news.

"MashAllah, Really? ZAINAB?" he shouted excitedly.

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