one | the fallout

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[ Elise Hart ]

"Elise, honey, breakfast is ready," my mom calls from my door.

I look back at her as I'm styling my hair. "Sure, Mom, I'll be downstairs in a few."

"Alright, hon." She smiles at me and walks off.

After what happened at the school, with me getting suspended for the rest of the year and me being put on probation, my parents were on my side (luckily), my mom most of all.

Both my parents believe firmly that I had nothing to do with it, but were disappointed in me for accompanying Lola and Rina.

They basically did everything they could to get me out of a bad headspace while I was on my suspension period and honestly, I'm grateful they did. If not, I'd probably be combusting right now in my own rage.

I finished styling my hair in a high ponytail. I've got makeup on, and carefully observe my outfit from head to toe. Today I'm wearing a decent, long-sleeved black crop top, ripped jeans, and my grey Converse shoes. I grab my bag and head downstairs.

"Hey Dad," I greet my dad once I reach the dining table.

"Hey Els, ready for 12th grade?" my dad asks me.

I sigh. "Almost," I reply.

My mom swoops in, carrying a tray that had our breakfast on it. We each grab a plate and begin to eat.

"Now Els, if you ever face them again, here's a pro tip: pretend like they don't exist," Dad advises me.

After what happened a year ago, me and Lola kind of fell apart. She kept on insisting I was the mastermind behind the heist but I kept pointing out her lies, which was the final straw for her and she broke off our friendship. Now, all I have left is Rina, who still hangs out with Lola sometimes.

"Got it, Dad," I say weakly.

I finished my breakfast and immediately went to the sink to brush my teeth. Afterward, I check my outfit one last time before leaving the house.

"Bye guys, I love you," I call out to my parents.

"Good luck, sweetheart," my mom replies back.

And so, here I am. My first day as a 12th grader.

A/N: i apologize for the very short chapter, but i promise the next ones will be longer! i just wanted to take time and introduce elise's home life after the incident.

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