two | nice to meet you

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[ Elise Hart ]

As I step into the school, I can't help but notice people looking at me and whispering. I simply prefer to tune them out as I grab my earphones and listen to music.

I reach my locker and begin uninstalling books from my bag. I was only halfway through skimming my bag when my locker suddenly closed shut.

"What the hell?" I mutter.

Then I hear a laugh from behind me. A laugh so cringy it almost makes you think they're Lila Rossi.

"Happy first day, loser!" Lola calls out from behind me.


Remember what Dad said. Pretend like they don't exist, my thoughts ring in my head.

I nonchalantly open my locker and continue rummaging through my books.

"Lola, let's just go," Rina tells her. I can hear the faint feeling of guilt in her voice like she doesn't mean for this to happen.

I finally close up my locker and head for my first class, physics.

When I enter the room, I find that most of the students are already there, talking to their friends. I take a seat near the back of the classroom. Beside it is an empty seat.

A guy with brownish-black hair sits in that empty seat and turns to me. I momentarily blush at him before looking away.

The guy chuckles. "I see you've been affected by my charisma, huh?"

"N-No.." I answer, still looking away and blushing furiously.

The teacher then enters, interrupting our chat. Oh, thank God.

"Good morning to you all, and I trust you all had splendid summer vacations. I'm Mr. Warner, and I will be your teacher in physics for this year."

Okay, physics may be a good start.

You can do this, Els. You can do it. I kept thinking to myself.

"Um, you okay?" The guy beside me asks again.

"Huh? Oh- Oh, yeah," I reply.

"You sure? I saw your face scrunching just now," the guy tells me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, it's just..."

Crap. What do I tell him?

"It's nothing," I finally say.

The guy looks doubtful about my answer but decides to take it. "Okay..."

The rest of the class went smoothly. Once the bell rang, everyone immediately got up from their seats.

As I begin to pack my stuff, the guy beside me speaks again.

"So... what's your name?"

I look up at him. "Are you serious?"

"Nah, I just want to know."

"Uh, okay... Elise," I say.

"Elise... cute name," the guy comments, and I blush.

"Well, what about you?" I ask him in turn.

"Oh, me? I'm Trey," he replies.


"Nice to meet you," I smile, shaking hands with him.

A/N: and so the interaction begins...

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