~part 4~

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~Fatgum's POV~

"Hey guys!" my heart skipped a beat

"OH HEY MISS AME CAN I GO FOR A RIDE?! YOU LOOK SO WOMANLY!!" Kirishima blurts out once he sees the white haired girl we've all waiting for in anticipation

"Haha, maybe later Kiri. We've got things to eat and people to protect for now." She said in her usual delightful tone

'damn she looks so good in that suit! what a cutie!!'

"Hey Tama. How are you doin, sunshine?" I said

"Im good Miss Ame, just not thrilled about the crowd." my intern said as he shrunk like a turtle back into his hood.

"Its ok little guy, we'll take it easy. I can order for you, too!" I said, hoping I diddnt sound like i was babying him too much.

"Aww, thats seeet, Tashi! Anyways, lets grab some food! I'm starving!" Ame said with a glint in her eye when she peered toward the various food stands.

Right as we begin to walk over to the delicious smelling food trucks, Ame is stopped by... a fan? Hmm a little strange, considering he diddnt say anything about her hero work.

Halfway through thier very prolonged and awkward interaction, I felt the need to step in and help her out a little bit. She just seemed so uncomfortable, and I cant have that.

She starts speaking and absolutely ROASTS this dude. It was actually pretty cool how she handled herself.

'im not too bulked up right now, i need some food so im glad she handled that so well, and quickly.'

~Ame's POV~
I felt a hand on my forearm just as we started walking, and I whipped my head to the left to see who had just randomly grabbed me, as we were walking. Another young adult, probably 19, or 20 started rambling about my recent photoshoots with a few brands.

This would've been completely fine, if he wasnt talking about the shoot for Midnight's new swimwear line I reluctantly modeled for, and being completely perverted and disrespectful about it.

"I personally thought it was really hot, and i'm kinda jealous of the camera man if you know what I mean ;)" He said in an almost joking, but clearly not tone

"Excuse you?" I spoke in a harsh, yet sophisticated tone, as to not yell at him

"I dont know, it kinda made it look like you guys were asking for it. No wonder its going viral now. Just keep that up and maybe you'll become a real hero. Highly unlikely however, since youre a woman."

'hell. no.'

"I dont know who you think you are, but that fact that youre sitting home alone on your computer jerking off by yourself to a fashion photoshoot, and then CRITICIZING me and my carreer, because im a woman makes it seem like YOURE asking for my foot up your ass."

He gives me a blank stare, and then shuffles away embarrassed, and hopefully traumatized.

"Wow, I never knew you had that in you, Miss Ame!" Said Kirishima, bewildered by me standing up for myself.

"It comes with being a badass woman. Now cmon, I wanna try that pink mochi over there!!" I said as I saw the peach frozen mochi stand. With Tamaki glued to my hip, we made our way over to the cutely decorated stand, and I order a box of eight. Two for each of us. As I get my card out to pay, the three boys try to shove thier cards towards the slot.

"Nono, i've got it. I'm the one intruding on your guy's patrol for the night."

"I insist, Ame. Youve been so kind ever since we met. It's repayment for the doughnut and the takoyaki from the other day."

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