why did you do this?

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I started to thrusting my body until I broke the hold of Gustav I moved my hand to hit Tom in the face, which startled Bill to look up.
I screamed so loudly that Micheala must up heard because a few seconds later she came running down.
When she came downstairs Gustav got up and ran towards her, Tom looked at Bill and snapped his fingers.
Bill got up and went towards Michaela while George was holding me down.

"What are you going to do to her, don't touch her!"
I Heard Micheala say.
"Don't worry, she was just having a little fun"
I heard a guy say, I wasn't to familiar with their voices.

"then why was she screaming and why doesn't she have any clothes on?

"She thought it was hot in here so she decided to take off her clothes."
A guy said.

Michaela couldn't see me anymore since Tom and Bill was blocking her view.

George had his arm covering my mouth so I wouldn't scream anything.

I looked around to my surroundings
And noticed some chips they left on the couch, I looked at George, he was looking back at Tom and Bill, so I moved my arm a little bit so he wouldn't have felt me moving, I grabbed the chips with my hand, and threw it on the ground, which caused Micheala to look over and noticed that George was covering my mouth.

"What the fuck is happening?"
What the hell are you doing to h-
Before she can finish what she was going to say Tom and Gustav grabbed her by her neck and pinned her against the wall.
"Take Amber to the secret room!"
Tom yelled at George.
"Please don't, let me free"
I cried underneath his hand.

I could see Michaela looking at me her eyes red like it was when she was on drugs some memory started to come up.
Me yelling at her looking into her red eyes.
her face looking heartbroken by the words I was saying.
I started to cry and scream and beg again but he couldn't hear me, his hand was covering me.

I started to kick back and forth but I didn't do any damage.
It was like if he was a rock.
"I'm sorry, but we have to do what we have to do."

What the hell are they talking about?
What were they planning to do?
What are they going to do to Michaela?
What are they going to do to me?!

Before I could comprehend any of my thoughts I was throwing on the ground, by George.
My back was aching by the slam.
It felt like he had broken my spine.
"Wait don't go, let me out!"
I said lunging for the door.
Too late he always slammed it.
What I'm going to do?
Fuck, why did I even come to this concert, I knew this was fishy.
The fuck is going to happen now.
I tried getting up all but my back was in to much pain.

I looked around the room it was dark.
Only one thing is lighting up the room a tiny lamp.
Next to it was a very small bed.
I started to scream again hoping someone would hear me.
Nothing no response.
I crawled over to a wall.
Started to bang on it and scream again.
I cried.

I crawled over to the door and try to open it,
But it wouldn't budge.
I started to bang on a door but nothing happened.

I heard Michaela screaming.
I jumped up in fear, knowing nothing what they were doin to her.

I yelled and cried
"What are you doing to her?"
I heard loud footsteps.
Coming towards the door.
I backed up waiting for the door to open.
The door went flying open and a gun was pointing toward me.

"Don't you making a fucking sound if you do I will shoot you!
Do you understand? "
Tom said with Michaela in his arm.
He threw her in disgust on the ground.

"You weren't as much fun as your friend."
Tom told Michaela slamming the door.

"Oh my God, are you okay."
I asked while hugging her and rubbing her head.

She didn't respond.
"What's wrong?"
I said lifting her head.
Her face was red and some parts of her face was bleeding.
"What happened."
I said crying.

"They, they, told me I was ugly."

"So they beat the shit out of your face?"
I asked.
She nodded.
I hugged her tighter while crying I can feel the wetness on my chest from her tears.

"Here Tom told me to give you this."
Michaela said handing me a baggy t-shirt and my lingerie underwear.

"Thank you."
I said turning around while putting on the clothes.

I looked at her and noticed that she was still wearing her clothes.
So they take off my clothes but not hers?

"Amber I'm so sorry, you were right we shouldn't had came with them.
I'm so sorry for putting you through this. "
Michaela said while her hand hanging down.
"It's not your fault. "

"They told me that we belong to them now. And in the morning they will be having a talk with us."
Michaela said getting up and moving to the bed.

"A talk?"
Why do they want to have a talk for?

I got up and looked around the room there were no windows.
Just the lamp and the bed.
I went close to the door banged a little bit but nothing happened.
I screamed, still nothing.

I looked at Micheala, she just stared at the wall no emotion on her face.
I could tell that they told her something that she's not telling me.

I banged louder on the door and screamed louder.

As I was banging on the door,the door open.
"Stop fucking banging on the door."
Tom said to me.

I didn't want to waste any time I jumped at him.
He fell backwards and hurt his head.
I got up and was about to ran but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him.
"Let go of me you fucking monster."
I yelled.

Michaela ran out of the room and towards the stairs.
But George grabbed her causing her whole body to swing around his.

"Y'all ain't going nowhere."
Tom said to us.

"Let go of me!"
I said grabbing onto his braids and pulling it.
But is grip was still tight.

He pulled me closer to him and whispered in my ear.
"Don't ever pull my braids unless we are having sex."

"You are fucking disgusting."
I said hitting his hand so that he lets go.

He groaned, and pinned me against the wall and grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the wall causing me to pass out.
The last thing I heard was crying and Michaela yelling 'NOOOO!!!'

Screaming Silently- Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now