Once upon a time, not so very long ago and worryingly close by, we see an abandoned playground. Now this playground has been forgotten by all humans and Remembered by the Forest. The birds nested on top of the swing set, the monkeys hung from the monkey bars, (anything else would have been unthinkable) and the cats loved the balance bar. They did all sorts of amazing tricks on it.
But the one thing almost no forest creature went on was the slide. It wasn't cursed or anything, but none of the animals liked it. As simple as that, or so they thought.
One day, Bitter, the gay lemon tree sprite, and Sweet, the bi Norwegian forest cat, decided to go down said slide. They were youngish and curious about why no one liked it. They went one after the other and were surprised when they got to the bottom that they were not in the forest playground anymore. It appears they were in a junkyard... that consisted entirely of slides. There were all sorts of slides, water slides, nice slides, old slides, and even the scary slides that aren't open on the top.
Bitter and Sweet were very confused, they had no idea why they were here, and to the best of their knowledge, there had been no other animals that this had happened to. Then, they saw a man struggle over pulling a medium-sized slide. Both Bitter and Sweet hid, they had learned to grow wary of humans, and this one seemed especially evil. He had a long, black, curly mustache, a unibrow, and an oddly tall top hat.
He heaved the slide the last few feet and threw it into the pile with a determined grunt. And then started monologuing, (as many villains love to do, it's very convenient for storytellers who need to explain the villains' background.) "Finally! I have found the last slide! I shall never have to look at these monstrosities again! Never again shall I have to bear the pain of remembering those terrible days! When I was small and weak and was never allowed on one!
"Well jokes on them! Now they will NEVER be able to go on one! Even if they wish it so badly, they bawl like I did as a child!"
Bitter and Sweet glanced at each other, thinking the same thing, slides were an integral part of being a child! They could not let this man, twisted by too much time stewing over something that should have been long forgotten, destroy many more children's childhoods.
But what to do? They were simply forest creatures. Until Bitter remembered something crucial! His boyfriend, Sour, was good friends with the King of the Dwarves.
So Bitter and Sweet climbed back up the slide they came from, very glad it took them back to their forest. And went to go and find Bitters's boyfriend and Sweet's girlfriend, Savory, (who happened to know a family of moles she thought might be able to help)
They then split up and agreed to meet back at the slide at the next sunrise, (a day away) so Sweet went North, but for now, we will follow the story of Bitter, who went South.
Bitter's home was in a nice little valley full of lemon trees which were full of lemon sprites. He quickly found his boyfriend, told him what he and Sweet had found out, and asked if he thought the Dwarf King would be willing to help their cause.
Sour said they would probably be willing and got in touch with the Dwarf King, then found out something astonishing! All the Dwarf Kingdoms slides had been stolen as well, and it seemed that the only slide left untouched was the one in the forest. When the King heard their plan to rescue all the slides, he thought it was marvelous and said that they would be more than happy to help. Especially because the dwarf children had been crying almost nonstop since the slides had been taken. The King said he and all his best diggers could definitely be at the Playground Forgotten by Humans and Remembered by the Forest by sunrise, (it is now almost mid-day at this point.)
With this taken care of, Bitter and his boyfriend, who had decided to come along as well, set off to the Playground Forgotten by Humans and Remembered by the Forest.
the Playground Forgotten by Humans and Remembered by the Forest
FantasyA forest sprite and a cat go down a slide and end up saving the world from never having slides again.