4. Chaos Magic

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March 2013- Mikaelson Compound
Shortly after the Bayou attack, Isabella and Klaus walked into the compound. But man did they wish they hadn't ever came back. There laid a nearly dead Hayley, how'd she get to this point who knows, but her eyes were black, her arms and legs were full of grey veins.

"W-what happened? Why is she like this?!" Isabella ran over to her sister who laid dying on the couch.

"We don't know.. she just came in here looking for you I guess, and she just passed out." Elijah said sighing.

"We can do a head dive, get you into her head. Maybe there you could have a shot at reaching her." Klaus suggested walking over to her.

"Yeah yeah okay, do that!" Isabella said standing up.

Klaus took Isabella's hand and instructed her to close her eyes and do exactly as he said. She cleared her mind and closed her eyes, diving into Hayley's mind.

In Hayley's mind
"Hayley?! Hayley it's me Isabella! Please I know I hurt you and I'm so so sorry but I cannot live without you, so please I need you to fight this and I need you to come back to me!" Isabella said trying to call out to her sister and reach her.

Hayley then walked out to face her sister, the scenery was their old house where they had lived with there parents. Hayley looked at Isabella for a short moment.

"I can't.. I'm too weak, the magic that's inside of me is too much for me to handle, the only way I can wake up is if someone takes the magic out of me. And I don't know anyone strong enough to remove that much dark magic. I'm sorry Bella.." Hayley muttered to her sister.

"So that's just it? You die then?!"  Isabella cried.

"I do. Unless you take the magic, but you'd become dark.. darker than ever, you wouldn't even be able to recognize yourself." Hayley sighed.

"What? I'm sorry but I can't do that.. I love you and all but I you know I can't do that.." Bella said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Look, I'm your sister.. Your blood! If you don't do this you'll never be able to live with yourself." Hayley explained.

"I can't Hayley you know I can't." She said wiping her tear.

"You won't even do it for me? Haven't you done enough already, the least you could do to actually help is fix this!" Hayley nearly hissed.

Isabella had a choice to make, either she'd help her sister or she'd lose her sister.. both of which had benefits and downsides. She couldn't become something she'd never want to be, but she also can't lose her sister. She just stared at Hayley, not saying anything.

"You'll do this for me or, those new friends of yours will be dead in a split second by a witch who's in their compound all I have to do is die and she kills them with white oak bullets." Hayley said looking at her sister.

"What- No please Hayley you can't do this! what your asking me to do is become something I can't be!" Bella shouted.

"Then, you'll let me die but also in turn let them die." Hayley said walking away.

Back To Reality
Isabella just stood there stepping back. Could she really do what Hayley asked of her, she didn't want too but she also couldn't let the Mikaelsons die for her. The Mikaelson siblings looked over at her confused.

"So, How'd it go? Is she gonna be okay?" Klaus asked.

"She will be.. but first, I need you to go and get me something. Klaus I need three dark objects, Rebekah I need you to get me some candles, and Elijah I need you to get me a bag of salt. Right now!" Isabella commanded to each sibling.

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