3. Betrayal

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March 2013- New Orleans Bayou
Isabella walked out of the compound and walked all the way back to the bayou, and when she arrived home she found something that was shocking. Hayley, her pack and Jackson were all standing there, Bella stood behind a tree so they didn't see her as she listened to what they were saying.

"She'll be back any minute now we have to hurry this up and make it look like the place was attacked or something." Hayley said in a panic as she knew her sister would arrive home any second.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road. You three, start tearing the place apart! As for the rest of you, burry this body." Jackson commanded to the pack.

Isabella looked down at the ground towards where the others stood, and she saw her best friend lay dead on the ground. They looked to have been torn apart limb from limb. Isabella just stood there in shock, why would anyone let alone her own sister kill her best friend.. she didn't understand, maybe she was just dreaming. She decided to go back into the city. She couldn't watch her own sister burry her best friend as if she wasn't the one responsible for the death of them. She ran out of the bayou and into the city as fast as she possibly could. Tears rolling down her cheeks, she just ran. After she got into the city she took a deep breath and ran to the compound to see if Klaus was still there.

"K-Klaus?! Please tell me your still here?!" Isabella yelled for him, wiping her tears.

Klaus vamp sped down to her, "what's the matter love?" He asked resting his hand on her shoulder.

"H-he's gone!! Klaus she killed him! My own sister!! She's betrayed me worse than anyone has ever betrayed me. I can't forgive her Klaus, I wont! Hayley means nothing to me any longer!" Isabella cried into Klaus' chest as she held onto him.

"Love.. you have to tell me what happened please.." he said rubbing her back.

Isabella then found the strength to lift her head from his chest and stood straight, "she killed him! Ethan is gone because of her! Torn apart as if he meant nothing, as if his life had no purpose!" Isabella said as her eyes flickered from her normal color to bright red.

"Love I know your hurt, I know. But I need you to calm down please. Deep breaths like we've practiced." Klaus said pulling her into a hug which she accepted holding him tightly close to her.

Isabella took deep breaths, after a few she felt a little better. She let go of Klaus and closed her eyes taking yet another deep breath.

"She's dead. I'll kill her myself." Isabella said with so much anger, Klaus could hardly recognize her.

"No no stop. I know your angry and your hurt but if you kill her you'll never stop blaming yourself and that guilt will stay with you forever." He said knowing that feeling all too well.

"You don't have a say in the matter. This isn't your choice Klaus it's mine." She said looking up at him.

"Fine. Then I'm coming with you, if you won't let me talk you out of it the least I can do is come with you in case you need anything." Klaus said walking to the door opening it and letting her out first then following behind.

Isabella and Klaus were on their way to the Bayou, she had this overcoming rage that she had to kill her sister. She didn't want too but she just couldn't help it. They got to the Bayou shortly after. There stood Hayley and her pack. The anger in Isabella's eyes was so strong that she had no idea of any other way to react but to kill her sister. She lifted her hand as her magic began to glow bright red. Hayley looked at her sister as if she didn't even know who she was.

"You have no idea what you've done. Killing Ethan bad move, lying about our parents, my powers, the crescent curse. You. Mean. Nothing. To. Me. Hayley. But don't you worry, you and your pack will pay the price for your actions." Isabella said looking over to Jackson and the rest of the pack.

"Isabella please.. you don't have any idea why I did  what I did just hear me out! You were out of control I had no choice! And Ethan was collateral damage because he knew the truth about the curse and I couldn't allow him to tell you!" Hayley said backing up towards the pack.

"Collateral damage really?! He's dead Hayley! Dead! And it's your fault." Isabella screamed at her sister blasting her magic at her so she flew back to the cabin hitting her back against it and falling to the ground.

Isabella then began to hit the pack with her magic, causing anyone around her to either fly to the cabin and fall to the ground or fall straight  to the ground. Klaus decided he'd just stay behind a few ways back and just stay out of the way until if needed he'd come. One of the wolves, must've hit their head when they landed because they bled out. Isabella fell to the ground feeling her body begin to break, and her eyes didn't glow the typical werewolf color they glowed red. She then stood up, feeling her new strength. She continued to fight the pack members, she threw her sister against the wall of the cabin, and then throwing her down to the ground.

"Bella please! Don't do this... look I'm your sister!" Hayley pleaded with her.

"And why do you think your still alive!?" She asked pulling Hayley up to her feet with her magic.

"You hurt me. And I will never forgive you for that, I won't. You betrayed me and you betrayed our families name!" Isabella said looking at her sister.

"And you don't think you did? I mean it was you after all who killed our parents, but then how about Tyler? You killed him too. And how about the rest of the list of people you've murdered! You don't think you've betrayed our families name? Our parents would be so so very disappointed in you. Hell I am! I'm ashamed to even call you my sister. Just look at what you've done to the pack, to me. Your not my sister you never have been since the day you killed them, and you won't be until you make this right." Hayley said trying to break free of her sisters hold.

Isabella then snapped Hayley's neck with her magic and watched her fall to the ground unconscious. She walked over her sisters body back towards Klaus. Isabella has been lied to her whole entire life, she didn't know what to believe anymore.  

"You okay love? I know this was hard.. but you did the right thing." Klaus said placing his hand on Bella's shoulder as he looked into her green eyes.

"I'm fine. Let's go." She answered as she walked away from him.

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