2. Something's changed

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March 2013- New Orleans As Isabella took the necklace off, her magic turned red

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March 2013- New Orleans
As Isabella took the necklace off, her magic turned red. Her eyes began to glow bright red. Somethings changed she thought, how did she go from being some mediocre witch to this. She didn't understand it, Klaus just stood there watching her, he'd never seen anything like it. It was truly amazing what he'd seen. He just looked at her in amazement, typically any witch of New Orleans was always that basic witch type of witch, but this, this is new something he's never in his 1,000 years plus of living ever seen anything like it. Isabella began to panic, her hands shaking, legs trembling, her breathing began to be a very heavy breathing as if she couldn't catch a breath.

"Breathe love, breathe. It's going to be okay, how about you just keep the necklace for now and I'll go find your sister okay?" He says in a kind manner, trying to help her remain calm the best she can.

"No, no no no no! Please don't leave me. Besides my sister can't do anything about it, she's back to being stuck in her werewolf form as she can only change back during the full moons because of that stupid crescent curse that god knows who put on her and her pack. So please, just stay with me." She said gripping onto his arm trying to remain calm and just breathe.

"What do you mean curse? That crescent curse ended years ago, when it was broken. You mean your sister is still cursed?" He asked rubbing her back to help her calm.

"What? No, the curse has been on her and her pack for over five or so years. I've been on my own everyday until the full moons, for five years. My parents abandoned us for whatever reason, and I take care of myself including my sister when she does transition back into her human form." She said picking her self up to stand.

"She isn't cursed. Nor is the pack. It's all a lie, a lie that is bigger than you or myself. Your sister is trying to manipulate you into thinking that she's still cursed.. she isn't at all cursed, a witch lifted that curse a long long time ago. Sweetheart listen to me, she's not cursed. She's lying to you and she's got her pack to continue with her lies. They aren't cursed they never have been." He said sighing.

"No. No your wrong, m-my sister would never do anything like that! She's not a monster and certainly not a bad sister! You don't know anything about her and who she is. I know her!! She promised she'd never lie to me or ever hurt me, I know your wrong, she promised!!" She cried as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Klaus once again sighed. He didn't want to hurt her nor did he want her to not trust her sister but he knew this was all some lie.

"I'm not. I know there's no curse love. There hasn't been for years. She's been lying to you this whole time. And this necklace, this necklace has been to hide your true power and who you really are. She's been doing nothing but lying to you. Your sister lied.  And she'll just keep doing it if you don't put an end to it!" Klaus said standing up.

"Stop. Stop your lying to me! She would never do that to me I'm her sister!" Isabella shouted at Klaus slapping him across the face.

Klaus put his hand onto the sides of her head, allowing her to see everything that went down with the crescent curse including it being lifted.

Flashbacks 2008
"We have to come up with a plan Jackson, we can't just leave her to think we are betraying her! Besides I made a promise I'd never hurt her she's my sister!" Hayley pleaded with Jackson.

"You know we have no choice Hayley. These are dangerous grounds with the Mikaelsons and all these other witches in this city. And your sister is one of them! A monster in the making! I mean just look at her without that necklace she's dangerous! The look in her eyes when she takes it off. She cannot be trusted Hayley. That's the reason you gave her the necklace in the first place is it not, you had it spelled specifically to hide her true power. You know she's dangerous and deep down you know if you don't do this she'll end up killing you, just as she did to your parents." Jackson said as he stood up to face Hayley.

"Enough jack. She can't know about what happened to our parents not only would she hate me for not telling her but she'd hate herself for the rest of her life! And I cannot allow that to happen! She's my sister and therefore my responsibility and as my responsibility it's my duty to protect her innocence at all cost!" Hayley shouted at Jackson.

"She's a Marshall! She can live without her god damn innocence Hayley! The one thing she can't live without is you! And you know as well as I do if she ever takes off that necklace she'd be sure to put you in your place. You have to do this, not only for your sake but hers! If you want any chance of protecting her then you have to do this. During every full moon you'll be able to turn back, as will we. But if you turn back at any moment sooner she'll know it was all a lie and I can't have that because I won't lose you!" Jackson said putting his hand on Hayley's shoulder pulling her in to a hug.

"Fine. I'll do it, but only for my sister." Hayley muttered.

Present time
After he knew she seen what she had to see, he removed his hands from her head. He looked into her eyes and he knew she saw too much. Her eyes became cold, vengeful even. A simple tear rolled down her cheek but then, they were dried. She lifted her head looking at Klaus but then walked away.

"I'm sorry.. I know you didn't want to hear it but you had too. It's the only way you'd truly understand." Klaus said speeding over infront of her.

Isabella ripped the necklace off of her neck, dropped the remaining pieces of broken chain onto the ground. Her eyes began to glow red again. As she took it off she could begin to feel her power flowing through her. Klaus just stood there, he shouldn't have done what he did with the head dive but there's no turning back now. She then waved her hand in the air knocking Klaus out with her magic and walking out of the compound.

Authors note: 

Thanks for reading my loves, once again this story will have its ups and downs. I thank you for choosing to read!! <3

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