Chapter Eight

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When I woke up this morning, Dean was out cold. "Dean?" I whisper. No response. I nod.

I slowly get out of bed, I pack a bag of clothes, money, and weapons. I also take a journal, my laptop, and of course, my phone.

I take a sticky note and I begin write on it. "I'm working a case. Don't come looking for me, trying to help me. I don't want help; I don't need help. I love you all. Call me anytime, you know the number. Until next time -Y/N" I place the sticky note on the fridge. I slowly walk out the door.

I go to an abandoned black SUV. It's won't start, but that's not anything I can't fix. I quickly pop the hood and I begin to work on it. I get it fixed in only 30 minutes. Luckily, the keys are still in the car. I take the keys and I start her up.

I drive away.

I don't really know where I'm going but, I'm going to get Deans soul back. If he wants it or not. I know this is dangerous but, if I die so he can live, I'll gladly will.


After almost a year of no leads, no cases, nothing, I begin to get discouraged. I feel guilt for running off and leaving Dean. I feel sad that I'm not going to spend his final days without him. But I'm in too deep now, I can't turn back, I have to keep looking.

I'm searching through the internet in a small diner, I finally figure it out, a demon named Lilith. She has to have his soul, she has to. I drive as fast as I can over to the building where it's rumored, she was in.

After what felt like forever, I walk towards the building with my gun drawn. I hear commotion as soon as I walk in. I run towards the sound to see Sam on a wall, Dean on the ground. Dean looks terrified, like he sees something horrific. "NO!" I scream, knowing he sees the Hellhound. I start to bust the door down but, it's not budging. "PLEASE." I scream, tears rolling down my face as I slam my body against the glass door.

I hear a whoosh behind me, and I see a woman. I see Lilith. "You don't have to do this." I plead. "Oh, but I do." She replies as she flashes her white eyes at me. She pulls out a silver knife, walking my way. I grab her wrists and I throw her against the glass door. I move her hand so that she stabs herself. I throw her down onto the ground, she disappears.

I know I didn't kill her but, it'll do for now. I punch the glass that's in between Dean and I. I twist the doorknob as quick as possible. It's too late. Dean begins to scream in pain as I watch his chest being ripped open. I stand there in shock.

After what seems like hours, he stops yelling. I run over to him and I hold him. Sam falls off of the wall as I hold Deans limp body in my arms. I sob loudly. I pull Dean closer to me. "I'm so sorry." I repeat over and over again. "Y/N." Dean groans. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I whisper back. I hear him take his last breath. I hold him tighter, tears running down my face.

My dad walks through the door as he examines the sight. He walks over to me and starts to pull me away from Dean. "No..." I whisper with my voice shaking, reaching for Dean. Deans blood is all over me but, I don't care. "We should give him a proper hunter burial." My dad suggests. "No!" Sam and I yell at the same time. "We are burring him." I speak. "In the ground." I add.

We drive to an open field; I'm following the impala with my SUV. We get some planks, and we make him a casket. We gently place his body into the casket, and we dig the hole. We lift his body down, burying him. We stand around the grave, silent.

My breathing gets shaky, and I walk away. Sam and my dad talk about something but, I didn't bother to listen. I hop into my SUV, and I drive away, not turning back. I drive to Las Vegas, and I get an apartment.

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