Chapter Eleven

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I wake up and hear Sam, Dean, and my dad panicking. I have a pounding head and I can feel warm blood run down my forehead. My hands are tied above me and I'm standing on my tips of my toes, not being able to fully reach the ground. I keep my eyes closed, weakly.

The boys are yelling, unable to control their panic. "You're the one who said she should go on that case!" I hear my dad yell. "Because I didn't think it would be that dangerous!" Dean yells back. "Where is Cas?!" Sam asks, panicked.

"Will you guys shut up?" I groan. "Y/N?" The say in sync, clearly surprised. I lift my head up, opening my eyes. "Yours truly." I reply. I look up at my hands, my wrists are bleeding, guess I've been up here for a long time.

Sam, Dean, and my dad are tied on separate poles with chains. They are sitting down. I spin slightly, looking around. I'm in the middle of the room. I see a table not to far from me with scissors. I reach my foot out to it, I don't reach it and I fall, making the rope go deeper into my skin. I groan loudly. "Are you okay?" Dean asks. I ignore him, looking around the room more.

The room has one dim light but, it fills the room. The room isn't cold nor hot, at a perfect temperature. I see a wooden door. "You know, we should've figured out how I can wolf on command because we really need it right now." I speak. "The more you wolf, the less you are able to control it." Sam says. "Whatever." I whisper.

The wooden door opens. 2 werewolf men walk in. They both walk over to me. "Hey princess." One of them flirt. I squint my eyes angrily at the both of them. "You ready to join us yet?" The other asks. "In your dreams." I reply.

He punches me across the cheek, making me spin slightly. I look back at him. "We'll be back in an hour." The one who flirted with me announces. The two men leave.

I remember, whenever I was almost about to wolf, the boys told me to focus on my breathing. What if I heavy my breathing on purpose? Will I wolf?

I start to breathe in and out heavily. My fangs come out. "F yeah!" I yell. I grab the rope that's above my wrists and I pull myself up. I place my feet on the ceiling. "What the-" Sam whispers.

I start to gnaw at the rope. "What do you plan to do once you get the rope off? You're going to make a loud noise and you're going to knock the wind out of you, kid!" Dean says, worriedly. I ignore him and I keep chewing at the rope.

The rope snaps and I fall onto my back. I get back up like it was nothing. I frantically search for a way to get the chains off the boys, my blood from the rope on my wrist pours everywhere. As I'm searching, the door opens quickly. I smirk at the wolf that walks in.

She runs over to me, and she grabs me by my hair. "LET HER GO!" Dean yells. The lady drags me through the door, into the room with the other wolves.

- Deans POV -

As Y/N gets dragged away, I start to tug at the chains. "Dean, it's no use." Sam says, somberly. "So, you're giving up?!" I yell at him. "Where the heck is Castiel?" I mumble.

I begin to hear screaming upstairs. "Y/N!" I yell. "WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HER?" I add, tears in my eyes. Bobby's face is pale. Sammy's face is scared. I don't give up on the chains, I will save Y/N if it's the last thing I do.

The screaming continues followed by grunts and growling. I can imagine her dead body on the floor, mauled. My heart drops and I can't help but let a few tears fall from my eyes. I slam my head defeated against the pole behind me as I hear the screaming stop. The door creaks open. I don't bother looking over.

"Y/N?" Bobby asks, distressed. I feel the chains fall off of me. I hear her breathe heavily. I look over at her as she unchains Sam and Bobby.

That's when I see the blood around her mouth, the blood in her claws. The blood splattered on her face. "Y/N... What did you do?" I whisper as Sam and Bobby walk over to me, they are clearly scared of her and she can tell.

"What I had to do. It was them or us." She says coldly. Sam and Bobby walk out of the room to see what happened. "Dean!" Sam calls. I walk out of the room quickly to see the bodies of the wolves of the ground. This wasn't a self-defense thing, this was hunger. I can tell.

Y/N walks past me, walking out of the house we were in. Her claws are still showing, her fangs to. Her breathing is still extremely heavy, almost like she's still hungry. I can see her through the window as she's outside. She holds her head in her hands, I can tell she's crying. I can tell she's scared.

She walks back inside. "I need one of you to kill me." She whispers.

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