Part 15- Min yoongi- Tutor

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I woke up in my bed with yoongi next to me, shirtless
ohh.. fuck, yoongi wake up! Yoongi!
Hm? What's wrong?
Did we have sex last night?
Y/n you don't even have pants on. Obviously we had sex last night
No! No.. fuck! Why did you give me drinks??
You came onto me first of all, you don't remember anything?
No! Nothing!
Wh-what happened?
No! Nothing like that.. I just- we had a lot to drink
I feel so hungover yoongi.. I can't work like this
That's okay, don't.
The faster I help you means the faster that I can leave
Sorry that sounds rude I just-
Why wouldn't you want to stay? I mean you said it yourself that you have no friends.
Well who am I supposed to be with here? Your very busy..
you can come with me..
go with you? I don't want to be a bother
Please? Why do you want me there so badly?
I just.. shit I have something to tell you
We didn't, only have sex last night
Oh god, what else??
I told you something, but you don't seem to remember
So tell me now, what happened?
Yesterday so you remember how I made you stay in the room while everyone was here?
Mhm I remember, I was really mad
Yes you told me, but after we drank a little bit you asked me why I did that, do you remember?
Umm, Yeah I think so
There was an awkward silence before he spoke
I should go.
He grabbed his shirt before standing up and leaving, I huffed before standing up to change. I went to go brush my teeth and do my hair minutes later

I ran to yoongi's room excitedly before opening the door with a big smile on my face Y/n? Yoongi, I thought you had a practice to go to I do

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I ran to yoongi's room excitedly before opening the door with a big smile on my face
Yoongi, I thought you had a practice to go to
I do.
Can I go?
He stood up really quickly, he was already dressed just on his phone
You look really nice y/n..
thank you I took his hand in mine and went onto my tippy toes before whispering to him it's only for you
Yah y/n, you have no idea what you do to me..
his breath smelled like cigarettes, it was so attractive, he turned his head towards mine and grabbed my waist before kissing me
Yoongi you have to be there in 20 minutes, let go of my ass so you don't get in trouble
When we get back I'm gonna-
I hid behind him while holding him tightly
Micah! Get the fuck out of here, how did you get let out
Bail. And I'm getting you for what you did to me, to y/n
You tried to kidnap her! Leave now. I'm filing a restraining order

For the next few weeks Micah stood outside Every day
Yoongi I can't anymore.
I know y/n..
I wanna go back home
Home? Y/n.. w-what about us? Your leaving?
I don't want to leave you yoongi, but I can't stay here anymore
We can go somewhere until the situation gets handled. You live here y/n. In Korea
I forgot to mention that yoongi and I had been living together, I moved everything out of my old home
Where then?
Just pack a bag, we can stay a few weeks
Okay, thank you baby
I kissed my boyfriend's face all over before kissing him once on the lips before running to my room to pack.

When we got in the car it seems like we drove for hours, I held hands with yoongi the whole time while singing along to the songs that were playing
Y/n we're here
Who's house is this?
My mom and dad..
no! Yoongi I'm not prepared! No your joking!
Y/n it's okay I'm sure they'll like you.
I think you forgot that I'm black yoongi! What's gonna happen if they don't like me? We'll probably have to break up!
Baby, it's fine. Let's go
They're gonna think that I'm ugly
Nobody thinks that about you, it'll be okay
He opened my door for me and I tried my best to look presentable
You could have told me that I way I wouldn't dressed so provocative.
You look beautiful y/n, seriously. Stop freaking out

A woman that looked a little bit like yoongi opened the door

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A woman that looked a little bit like yoongi opened the door. I bowed at her immediately
Eomma this is y/n, my girlfriend. I told you about her remember?
Yes I remember, come in
Me and yoongi sat with his arm around my waist
So y/n you are Korean?
Ah- No. I speak Korean though. It was my study in high school
That's amazing! Do you speak any other languages?
Yes I speak Spanish and English also, I'm learning Japanese for my next client.
That's very cool! You must be smart, did you graduate college?
Yes! I have a degree and everything
Are you hungry yoongi?
Yes, y/n is hungry too. Aren't you?
I widened my eyes before his mom went to the kitchen, a very handsome older boy walked in next me and yoongi bowed to him
Yoongi-ah! Who's this?
This is y/n, my girlfriend
The one you called me about and you were cr-
yoongi what the hell?
Yoongi! Y/n! The food is ready
Eomma did you make me some?
Of course I did!
The 3 of us went into the kitchen for Samgyeopsal
I got your favorite yoongi, do you eat this y/n?
Yes. She pretty much eats anything
I widened my eyes at him again
Yes, thank you..
me and yoongi and geum-jae ate while talking to yoongi's mom
Where's Appa?
He's at His brothers now. It's just been me and Geum-jae
Ah I bet he's driving you crazy
Up the wall
Yah- Eomma?!
She smiled through her joke about geum jae. We finished our food before yoongi said something
Eomma y/n is still hungry
I dropped my jaw at his remark before she served me more food

In yoongi's bedroom
Yoongi I'm so mad at you right now.
Wh- Why?
You told your mom I was still hungry! I whisper yelled at him
You were still hungry! Did you want me to lie to my mom?!
Stop yelling we are at your moms house. You could have stayed quiet.
But then we'd have to go and get you food in the nighttime! That's what you always do!
You made me look like a fat ass!
Y/n it's fine. Mom loves you, and she accepts you even if you are a fatass
I slapped his chest as he laughed at his unfunny joke. I laid next to him in the bed but face away from him
Y/n I'm sorry.. I won't say anything next time
If you do I'll slap the shit out of you.
He pulled me closer to him and I kissed him until he moved down to my neck
Yoongi we can't have sex now. We are at your parents house
Yah y/n, your so dramatic. They won't hear me
But they might hear me??
Right, since I make you crazy
Shut up!
I cuddled into his chest, falling asleep


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