Home ride

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I change myself into a beautifully white dress that I got from a sweet boutique at Monaco. Charles got invited to the famous tennis gameplay wimbledon. I have absolutely no idea about the rules from that sport but I am exited to watch it. A lot of famous celebrities get invited to that kind of events. Especially athletes. It is a good time to go out and explore new things. The past 2 months I have been studying for my upcoming exam. It is the last exam for me and after that I hopefully have my bechlore in marketing management. I always dreamed about this Job. I dont want to work in a office, I want to be free and work from every place I am right now.

Charles and I are now  6. month together. He almost killed me actually. When I walked out of the International University of Monaco 7 months ago, he nearly run me over with his Ferrari. Charl immediatly stopped and apologized. That was the moment where we fall in love with each other. His beautiful dark hair and eyes blowed my mind away. He asked me out and well a few weeks after that dinner he ask me to be his girlfriend.

"Bella are you coming?" He don't calls me by my name. He calls me Bella most of the time and I love it. Every time he calls me that my stomach goes wild. He is a lovely,romantic attractive man. Besides that facts he is a absolutely killer in a F1 car. Before I met him I barley new something about this Sport. As a child I watched F1 with my dad. He always cheered for his home Team Ferrari. At this time I was maybe 4 years old and understood nothing. When my dad screamed in his Italien voice I  knew that Michael Schumacher did a great overtake or he won a race again.

"Yeah I am coming babe!" I grab my bag and sunglasses.

"Okay lets go"

On the way to the Tennis match Charles didn't say a word. He is acting weird the last few days. Eyery time I ask him why he is acting like this he cuts me off. He is not that kind of person who talks much about his feelings and I respect that. It will probably go away the next days. I dont want to push him, if he wanna talk about his feeling he come to me.

We arrive very quickly at the stadium and around us are fans who want pictures with him or photographer that want a great foto of him, so that they can sell it to other companys. I still have to get use to it. I just dont get all this media stuff. About 70% of all the atricels they are writing are wrong. Some of the journalists also write sometimes stuff about me and Charles. At the beginning of our relationship I read some of them but I stopped. They just wann make money of our relationship. I give a fuck about them, I focus on our love story.

We finally made it into the VIP lounge where thankfully no reporters are allowed. From far away we see Pieere and his girlfriend Kika. I meet her a few times at he Paddock. She is one of the cutes person I have ever met. We go over to them to say hi. After we greet them we go to our places. They are right next to each other.
The first macht begin and I find it very interesting to watch. I reach for Charles hand but before I even touch his hand he takes his away. He don't even look at me. He is chatting with Pieere the entire time. I lay my hand on his leg trying it again. He gives no reaction. I am a bit pissed off. Normally he loves that kind of gestures but not today. It should surprise me but it don't actually. The last days he gave me no attention. I am not a person who want that much attention but he is my boyfriend and at least a bit attention I am expecting .
Through the next few matches he only talks to Pieere not even looking at me once. I get thirsty and decide to get some water.
„Hey do you wanna drink something? I will get us some water?" I ask him tapping on his shoulder.
„Babe?" I say in a bit louder voice. Still nothing. What is wrong with him?
„CHARLES!?" I now get really loud. He finally looks up at me.
„Why are you screaming like that?" I get really angry  about this answer but I try my best not show it.
„Do you want some water?" I ask him ignoring his question.
„No". No? Not even a sentence? I know that he is not in a good mood right now but being a dick to his girlfriend who did nothing to him is a shit thing to do. It real hurts. Right away he turns back to his best friend. I have enough of this bullshit! I just wanna go home. I stand up and make my way out of this shity place. My eyes starring to watering. After a long way I finally was in front of the exit.
A strong hand grabs me on my wrist which makes me turn around. Carlos is standing right in front of me.
„You okay? I saw what just happened with Charles". He says in his Spanish accent. I had no idea he was here. It is so embarrassing standing here with tears in my eyes. As quick as possible I wipe my tears away.
„Great!" I say sarcastically „ That's so freaking embarrassing!" I try to avoid his eyes contact. His hand was still holding on me. Carlos realize that he is still holding it and let go. „Don't worry. There are more embarrassing thing than that." I look up at him again and say „ Like what?"
„Idk for example slipping off a treadmill. And the whole gym is looking at you in silence." He smiles a bit.
„What?" I have to giggle thinking about this situation.
„Yeah that's embarrassing right?"
„Don't tell me that happened to you!?" I now have to laugh even more.
„It did! So stop laughing at it!" he playfully hits my shoulder.
„Sorry I just never tough that someone like ..."
„Ey, don't say something you will regret in the future." Carlos stops me.
It is sad that someone you only talked a few times can make you laugh but you boyfriend don't.
„So what is you plan? Get some water?" he ask to stop the silence.
„Uhm no I am going home. I hate this place here" around us is almost nobody. They're all watching the game. „I will just call a cab or something"
„No! I will not let you get a cab! These cab drivers a creepy, especially when it comes to pretty girls." He put my phone down. I look at him confused.
„I will drive you home!" he offers me.
„No Carlos you will miss the macht and I also can defend myself so thanks."
„ You sure can do that but I also don't like tennis. I prefer golf or padel. And my hotel is the same way as your and Charles home."
To be honest I hate cabs but it is also strange to get driven home by your boyfriends teammate. I am think what to choose.
„You can think about as much as you want but I am not letting you sit in a cab car!" It's like he can read minds and it scares me a bit.
„Fine! Just let me text Charles real quick." I give up.
„There we go!"
I texted Charles that I am not feeling well and have decided to go home.

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