Second Homeride

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My chest hurts and everything around me is blurry. I can't hear anything besides my heart. It is racing so hard that it hurt. My mouth is open reaching for some fresh air. Finally I made it out. People who want to go in the club looking at me weird. I didn't care about them I have a bigger problem then does people looking at me. I just got the biggest heartbreak of my life. The love of my life just called my bitchy in front of all his friends.

I lean against the wall but before I can let myself down a strong hand lifts me up. I look up and it was Lando. When I saw him I was a bit disappointed. I wished it was Charles. Idk why I was disappointed because the truth is he is the last person I wanna see right and talk right now. Lando pulled me up and lead me around a corner.
„Okay here can none take pictures of you." Lando says and let me down on a bench. I can't help myself and start crying again. Lando sits next to me and tries to call me down but no chance. I cry myself out in front of him mumbling something which not even I understand. A not very good combination is alcohol and a broken heart.
„Okay no matter how hard you try to explain something to me I don't understand anything" he jokes trying to make me feel good „ but I saw what happend with this miss blondy."
Before he can say anything I cut him off.
„He is such bastard! He called me BITCHY. Am I bitchy? You can tell me the truth I can han..." I sob but now he is the one who cuts me off.
„Stop it y/n! Your not bitchy okay! Charles is drunk he probably didn't meant it like that."
„He is so different Lando. I don't recognize him anymore. That's not him right? You are one of his friends you know him." I say hoping for a answers that agreed with my assumptions.
Lando looks at me and says „I know Charles good. He is under pressure. And he can't Handel it so we'll. He thinks that he can Handel it but he can't. The Championship is his dream he worked so hard for it. Charles pushes everything away from him. I don't now why. Maybe you ask him that."
For a second I feel bad for him. But my anger about him was bigger at the moment. That dosen't give him the right to treat me like that. The past few weeks he was so unpredictable. He pushed me away but the day later he gives me the world.

„I would drive you back to the hotel but I have to much shots in my stomach so...." he jokes again and points to his belly. I sniff and let a small smile on my face appear.
„But Carlos is sober. He can driver you back!" Lando offers me. Not a chance I will get in his car again. He was weird this weekend. Why do guys always have to be so complicated. I always thought girls are the one who are complicated.
„No thanks. I will just take a Uber." I am not sure actually if there is a Uber in this city. But before I have to drive home with Carlos I rather walk back to the hotel. Even with my heel!
„Okay! If you say so. If you need anything I am inside tacking some more shots." He leaves me alone with a little smilie.

I lay down on the bench looking at the stars. The tears made my eyes heavy. I close them and think about what just happened the last 20 minutes.

„Get your ass up or you will be sick tomorrow!" I open my eyes and I see Carlos head in front of me. Really Carlos? He's the last person I wanna see right now next to Charles.
„No leave I wanna be alone!" I bitch him and turn to the side. I can hear him snort with anger. His strong hand take mine and lifts me up.
„Y/n I will not discuss with you now! Get your ass up right now!" his voice was full with anger and it scares me a bit so I do what he says.
„Get in the car now!" a Ferrari that he drivers for the weekend is standing right in front of us.
„What do you mean No? Get in the stupid car!" his eyes are angry.I look at him in the eyes „No! I will not get on your „show off car"
„Show off car? Y/n your drunk please get in the car!" I still resist crossing my arms. He takes a deep breath before saying something again „ Darling I just wanna get you safe home"
Darling? Did he just call me Darling? I get goosebumps and feel a cold all of the sudden.
„I will walk thank you!" The hotel where Charles and I are staying is just a 30 minutes walk away. If I run I will be there in 15 minutes. I wanna walk past him but I lose balance and slip. Carlos sees it and holds me before I fell on to the ground. Our eyes meet again and I just looked at them for a second.

What are you doing stop it! „Thanks" I whisper looking back on the ground. He lift me up and opens the door of his Ferrari. He smiles and says still holding me with on of his arms „ You can even walk straight. Now get in the car. Please."
He was right. There is no way I will make it to the hotel without any injuries. „Fine! But don't tell Charles!" I roll my eyes. It's complicated enough with Charles right now. If he finds out his teammate drove me home for the second time it will be over immediately.
„I won't trust me! And don't roll your eyes ever at me again!" He carefully pushes me into his car. Carlos leans forward and puts the seat bell around me. I can smell his parfume. It was sweet and fresh at the same time. I inhale his smell one more time.
„Like it?" He looks at me smiling before slapping the door.
Shit that's is so freaking embarrassing.
„It's okay." I say not looking at him as he get in the car. He shakes his head and grin. I wanted to play it cool but that was a massive fail.

The car ride is once again silent. But this time I enjoy the silence. It was peaceful not embarrassing. We are driving now good 30 minutes and I notice that this it not the way Charles and I drove. I start to panic.
„Carlos!" I say looking out of the car trying to find something that I saw on the way to the club. Everything is dark so outside so it's hard to see something.
„Yes?" he takes a look at me.
„That is not the way to my hotel!"
„Oh trust me if Charles is coming back tonight one of you will be death tomorrow." his smile goes big and it drives me crazy. But he was sadly right again. I have totally forgot that Charles and I share a room. Shit!
„So where do I gonna sleep? In your hotel room?" I say to him sarcastically.
„Yes. We will sleep in my bed" He says like it is a normal thing to do. Is he serious! Anger fills my body.
„WHAT?NO! I will not sleep with you in one bed! I still have a boyfriend. It looks not good but still!" I scream at him.
Carlos starts laughing.
„It's not funny you freak! Let me out NOW!" He can't be seriously joking at something like this.
„Relax muppet it was a joke! I will not sleep with my friends girlfriend in one bed. I am not a freak." His face is starring at the street.
„I have a suite. There is a second bedroom for you."
Thanks good! Wait a minute he has a suite?
„You have a suite?"
Ofc? That's not normal isn't it? He says it like it was nothing. He acting so normal. I didn't questioning it. Normally I would but I am so exhausted. The only thing I wanna see is a bed.

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