Old him

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When you are a Ferrari driver you get a costumer designed Ferrari. So Carlos drives up to me with his silver gray Ferrari 812. It's a very elegant car. I open the door and make myself comfortable. The first few minutes you only can hear the beautiful engine of this car. No one says anything. It's a very awkward atmosphere. I am looking outside and analyze the beautiful buildings we pass.

„Did Charles said anything?" Carlos finally speaks.
I look at my phone but still no answers from Charl „ Uhmmm.... no. He is probably so into the game right now." I try to laugh it off because it sounds so stupid.
„You think he will be angry about me driving you home?" He looks at me for a second before facing the road again.
„No I don't think so. I mean it is just a ride home nothing special." I say looking on my phone again hoping that Charles is texting something.
It was silence again. Luckily the ride was only 15 minutes so the awkward silence passes really fast.

„Thank you Carlos! And also thank you for making my mood better after that situation with Charles." I look at him while I am half out of the car. „Yeah no problem. I wish you good lucky with Charles. Sometimes he is a bit difficult to handle but you get use to it" He smiles at me and his left hand is sliding trough his glowing dark black hair.
„Yes hopefully" I am so distracted by his hand moving through his hair. I slam the door and make my way to the home door. His car isn't moving until Carlos made sure that I am safe in the house. A gentlemen move.

I am standing breathless in front of our apartment door after stepping five floors. I make my way to the living room. Without even change in a more comfortable outfit I let myself plump on the couch. A message sound goes on on my phone. Immediately I look at my smartphone. Charles texted back. On my messages before I didn't say that Carlos drove my home.

Babe why didn't you say anything?
I could have give you a ride home. 

Yeah I know but you love tennis so...

Please tell me next time okay!?

Okay sorry

I will be coming home after this
match ❤️

The fact that I even texted sorry is stupid. But nothing compares to the „Why didn't you say anything?" Like for real. Every fucking time I said something to him he didn't even listen.
I am so tired of all this drama that happened today that I fall asleep only a few minutes later.

Key noises at the door slowly opens my eyes again.
„Babe? I am Home." You can hear Charles voice trough the whole apartment. „Where are you?".
„I am in the living room" I shout still lying on the sofa. I can hear his footsteps coming closer. Charl is now standing in front of me. He takes my feet and lifting them up so that he can sit next to me. My feet's are now laying on his knees. We look at each other for a second.
„Hey. You feel better?" he ask me with his angel voice.  All the time he was so cold and now? He is stroking my legs with his big soft hands. I don't get him. But I think I should be enjoying this moment so I better don't start an argument.
„Yes it's better" I lie to him.
He leans forward to kiss my forehead. His soft slips touching my skin makes me blushing.
„Thats good. Do you want something to eat?"
I nod my had literally starving at the moment.
„Okay I will make is some good pasta. While I cook you can change yourself in something better okay." That's the Charles I know. The romantic carrying and handsome Charles. The man I fell in love with. There are so differences between the Charles this morning and the Charles now at the evening.

I look at him from the living room. He is singing in the kitchen making our pasta ready. I have to smile on his movements. He walks out with two plate with yummy pesto pasta.
„Here Bella!" Charl gives me one of the plates. We sit down on the table. It looks interesting.
„I can see on your look you are not really trusting this food" We laugh together. „ Let's try first." He takes a big bite. On the his face I can see that sometimes is not right. He laughs still with pasta in his mouth. He swallows it down and say „ Okay it's croccante. Not Al dente. Maybe we should order next time." It feels good to have such a funny time with him alone.
We still eat the pasta and it actually wasn't that bad.
After eating we do the dishes together.
„How much did you pay for the cab? I will give you the money back" Charles say's while putting the plates in the dishwasher.
„ Uhmm... Carlos offered me to drive me home soo..." I don't like laying to him so I just tell him the truth.
He slaps the dishwasher and you can feel a bit anger.
„Carlos? I didn't even know that he was there."
„Yeah he saw me and didn't let me take a taxi" I am washing my hands so I cannot see Charles but I could feel his jealous.
„And you couldn't just ask me for a ride home?" He was leaning his back on the cabinet and his face facing my back. I close my eyes. Is he serious?
„ Are you angry at me?" I turn around in disbelief.
„Bella I am your boyfriend. What if someone saw you? The internet will go wild." His voice gets louder.
„Charl your the one who is ignoring me the last few days not me. You only talked to Pierre not even looking at me once!" I freak out and scream at him.
„Sorry that Pieere is my best friend! You can maybe spend times with your friends when ever you want but I am not okay!" He yell's back at me.
„Okay but even Pierre spoke to Kika and they also were holding hands." My body was full of anger.
„Your unbelievable sometimes! You think that the world is only interested in you?" Charles eyes go big after he realizes what he just said. Ouch. This really hurts. He steps closer to me. His hands wanting to hold mine but I pull away. I run off to our bedroom.
„Bella! Wait look...." he follows me but I slap the door right in front of his face. He tries to open it but I locked it. I brake down laying on the bed. He cares more for the media than me?. Why can't I have me Charles back?!

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