chapter 5

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Nori's POV:

Once class was over, me and Hyunjin were free to get up and get our things. My legs started falling asleep after a while. When I stood up to leave, I fell because of how tired my legs are. "What the hell.." Hyunjin looks down at me. I lie down there for awhile because I don't want to go to lunch. Hyunjin takes his hand and puts it out in front of him. There's no way Hwang Hyunjin is lending me a hand.

I take his hand but instead of getting up, I pull him down with me. Hyunjin's face gets close to mine and we stare at each other. My face starts getting redder and redder the longer we look at each other. "Are you blushing? Gross." Hyunjin looks at my red cheeks. "As if!" I push him off of me and I get up, leaving him on the floor. I go inside of the classroom to get my bag and I leave immediately after. Once I got back outside, Hyunjin's gone. I look left and right to see if he's still close, but he probably left and went to the cafeteria.

As I made my way to the cafeteria, I see Hyunjin sitting alone at my usual spot. I walk over to him and sit in front of him. "What're you doing here sitting alone?" I put my arms on the table. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? You're always here by yourself. I thought you could use some company, and since you never have a lunch most times, I bought you one." Hyunjin pushes the lunch tray in front of him and puts it in front of me. "What about you?" I look at him, grabbing the utensils on the tray. Hyunjin speaks, "I'm not hungry."

"Now shut up and eat. People might think we're friends." He remarks. I look up to him from my food, my eyebrows wrinkling from disgust. I throw an apple at him and he starts laughing. "I'm only kidding!" He puts his arms in front of him as defense.

Hyunjin said he had to go to the bathroom, so I nodded my head while chewing. While he was in the bathroom, Chaerin, Iseul, Moona, Eundae, and Hana walked over to me. "How pathetic. Eating alone? What a loner." Chaerin sits down in front of me where Hyunjin was. "What do you want, Chaerin?" I look at her, annoyed. She moves closer to me and whispers, "I saw you sitting with Hyunjin. How many times do I have to keep warning you to get away from him? You really don't listen, Nori."

She then looks over to Iseul who is standing beside me. Iseul makes a move and takes her hand, slapping it across my face. My face is facing down with my hair blocking my eyes. I look up, "Are you mental?" I stand up and walk to the bathroom.

Hyunjin's POV:

After going to the bathroom, I look at Nori and see a few girls surrounding her. The same girls from yesterday. One of them slaps her and Nori walks over to the bathroom. I've had enough of them.

I walk to their table and grab the wrist of the girl who slapped Nori. "Who do you think you are? You don't get to do that to her. Only I can." I dropped her wrist and looked over to Chaerin. "Talk to her again and we'll have problems."

Chaerin and her little minions bow to me and run off.

Nori's POV:

I'm in the bathroom and I check my cheek through the mirror because it's been stinging like crazy. That girl is definitely experienced with slapping. As I check myself, there's a huge red spot on my cheek. I take some tissue and run it through cold water before resting it on my face. I sit there for a few minutes but nothing really happens. I ignore the big red spot on my cheek and go back outside to the cafeteria.

Once I got back out, the girls were gone and Hyunjin was sitting there again. I walk up to him and sit down in front of him. I try to look to my left side most of the time to not make the redness noticeable.

"Nori, look at me." Hyunjin stares. I sigh and move my head, making it face him. "Gosh, Nori! You're cheek is so red!" Hyunjin shouts. Half of the school looks over at us because of how loud Hyunjin was being. "Shut up, will you? You caught half the school's attention." I put my head down, embarrassed. "Do you need ice? I'll go get some for you." Hyunjin stands up. Before he could leave, I yell his name, "Hyunjin! It's fine, it doesn't hurt that bad anyway." Hyunjin sits back down in front of me.

The bell rang and Hyunjin walked me over to class. Why was he being so.. Thoughtful? I thought he found me annoying or something. Once we reach my class, I just smile at him and walk inside. The girls who were teasing me at the cafeteria were staring at me vividly as I made my way to my seat. For some reason, they didn't come up to me or say anything. This was the first peaceful history class I've had in awhile. Weird to say, thanks to Hyunjin.

help i accidentally put nori's name as
so-hi bro😭 this was when i was still working on my other book and i got so mixed up with the names lmaooo its been like 3 months and i only realized now... please tell me if you notice any name errors please and thank you🙏

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