Training and Reinforcement

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-Nagato POV-

Today, me, Mutsu, Mikasa and Kaze were going on a walk in the Empire. It is one of my way to relieve me from the stress of the paperwork at the shrine. Don't worry about the current paperwork, the commander were dealing with it. But, right now it's only me and Mikasa sitting on a bench and drink some tea. Where's Mutsu and Kaze do you ask? Well there they are running around at the street with Mutsu on Kaze shoulder.

Mutsu : Stop stop Kaze! You taking the wrong direction to the ice cream shop!

Kaze : Fueh!? Wrong!? C'mon Mutsu-sama which way is the right path!

Mutsu : Take that right alleyways, and straight for some minutes. Hurry up! Or not the ice cream will ran out!

Kaze : Yes Mustu-sama *started to running towards the ice cream shop*

Suddenly, when both of them turn right they bumped onto someone making them fall to the ground. The person look back at them and began to worrying.

??? : Ahhh!!! Mustu-sama!!! Sorry for my rudeness for blocking the road!!! *Shacking Mutsu body*

Mutsu : Ahhhhh *still dizzy after fell*

Kaze : Oh, my nose *touch his nose, after that look at Mutsu* Ahh!!! Mutsu-sama are you alright?!

Mutsu : Don't worry I'm fine. What are you doing here Takao?

Takao : I'm on a regular patrol Mutsu-sama. *Look at Kaze* and who are you?

Kaze : Heh, my name is Kaze!

Takao : Kaze?

Mutsu : He's the new kansen Takao.

Takao : Huhhhh?! The kansen was a male?!

Kaze : Yep. You sure I am!

Takao : Let me introduce myself. My name is Takao. The lead ship in my class.

Kaze : *eyes started to shine* Wowww, the lead ship of the Takao-class heavy cruiser?! Awesome, I heard you and your sister story from the mainland. *Takes out his diary's* Can you sign at here, please please please please please please?!!!!

Takao : Sure *give her signature in Kaze diary's*

Kaze : Suggoiii!!! *Eyes full with shines*

Mutsu : Ahhh?!!! I almost forgot something important!!!

Kaze : What is it Mutsu-sama?!

Mutsu : The ice cream shop didn't open today cause the owner is sick.

Kaze : Haaaaahhhhhh???!!! So that's ice cream?

Mutsu : *sigh with sad expression* no ice cream.

Kaze : Awwwwwwww............*sad expression*

I started to get up and walk back to the shrine but suddenly I turn my face towards Mikasa.

Nagato : Mikasa, I want you to put Kaze under Takao for a few days for training. We still don't know a lot about him. Did I make it clear?

Mikasa : *bows* Yes, Nagato-sama.

After that, Mikasa approached Takao and touch her shoulder to gain her attention.

Takao : Huh? Oh it's you Mikasa. Need anything?

Mikasa : Yes, I need your help. A important one that Nagato-sama personal gave this order.

Takao : What is it?

Mikasa : Nagato-sama wants you to train Kaze until he can prove himself.

Takao : To train Kaze? Sure I don't think that will be hard. Let's get it going then.

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