Joining Azur Lane

46 3 0

Sakura Empire
2200 hours

-no one POV-

Nagato : Soryuu, did the Kamaitachi task force members already been captured?

Soryuu : Only Yokai, Nagato-sama. The search is still ongoing to capture the rest of it.

Nagato : Why only him? Where's the other?

Soryuu : Apparently, the others were still nowhere to found. But, they still at the empire.

Nagato : Very well then. All of you, may retire.

All of the officer at the shrine bows at Nagato and leave the shrine. Kaga was nervous when leaving the shrine but apparently nothing happens.

Mikasa : Kaga.

Kaga : Lady Mikasa, what the matter?

Mikasa : I thought you were also to be capture as well.

Kaga : I was only temporarily at the task force, so the emperor let it aside.

Mikasa : Thank God. But Kaga, I had a bad feeling about this.

Kaga : I also had it Lady Mikasa. But, the others seems agree with the orders.

Mikasa : Even the 2nd and 5th carrier division agree on it.

Kaga : Yamato and her sister also agree on it except for Shinano-sama. She didn't said agree or not.

Mikasa : Why were you didn't vote as well?

Kaga : Apparently, after the Orochi incident, the 1st carrier division influence were pull by the emperor. Akagi-neesama were still at house arrest. She can only go out when important meeting only.

Mikasa : How about you? You didn't send to house arrest?

Kaga : Akagi-neesama take full responsibility, including my part. That's why, I help her by saying everything happens right now.

Mikasa : Kaga, do you think, something is behind the emperor action?

Kaga : I think so. Yokai also said to me about it.

Mikasa : So what now? Where is the others?

Kaga : They went on hiding which I also don't know where.

Mikasa : Alright then, stay safe Kaga.

Kaga : You as well, Lady Mikasa.

Kaga then walk back towards her room which were apparently Akagi were also inside.

Kaga : Nee-sama.

Akagi : Ara, Kaga. How's the meeting?

Kaga : Only Yokai had been capture. The rest are still hiding.

Akagi : *sigh* If only our influence didn't been taken.

Kaga : Nee-sama, the past is the past.

Akagi : You right. Is there any others didn't agree or opposed the idea?

Kaga : Only Amagi-nee oppose and Shinano-sama didn't say agree or oppose.

Akagi : *sigh* I think.... Siren is behind this.

Kaga : Even the emperor!? Is that possible?

Akagi : You remember when they trick us. The siren were master of manipulater.

Kaga : So, the siren is behind this?

Akagi : Most possibly yes. You know Yokai won't do such a thing like cooperating with siren.

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