Chapter 1 (Jack)

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Summer holidays have now finished, and it is now our first day back at Elk Creek School, I'm a little nervous from everything that has been going on (what I mean is that I'm gay so it's gonna be difficult to hide who I am and not draw attention to me, only Violet knows, my best friend).

Elk Creek is a little bit of a mixed school, it's quite modern but old at the same time, mostly the technology, all the equipment and lighting is more modern than the building itself, the roof is that basic brick-red roof and a school that has too many windows around the whole of it. I got to admit, the field that they have at the back is massive for such a small school, but at least there is enough to go around for everyone and we aren't cramped in a small space. Nearly every door in the school was either black or red. Horrible colours if you asked me, but their excuse was to stop any type of vandalism from happening and disrespecting the school. Stupid. Fucking. Idea.

Getting back to me and Violet, we are already on our way to school, Violet is jumping for joy glad that she isn't gonna be bored anymore and has something to do. We finally reached our lockers after we went through the main doors of the school and collected our books for the day, we both had English first so we both headed to Mr Lewis' classroom and sat right at the back (thank goodness that we had first period together). As we sat at the back and Mr Lewis started the lesson, Violet passed me a note asking, 'do you have an eye on anyone in school or out of school?' I looked at her and gave that 'seriously bitch' look and she shrugged and smiled waiting for an answer.

I looked at her and smiled and written back 'Yes there is someone, but he wouldn't notice me even if I tried' she looked and whispered, "maybe you should try and see what happens." I immediately shook my head at her. "What is going on back there Mr McCollins and Miss Quinn?!" Mr Lewis asked getting stares of a thousand eyes from everyone in our class including the boy that I have an extreme crush on... Zane Crawftmen, the straightest popular boy in Elk Creek. Everyone adores him and he had a girlfriend, gossipers said that she was a bit too clingy and overprotective of him... can you blame her though?

Suddenly, Mr Lewis' phone decided to ring causing him to cut his dialogue and answer the phone. After a few minutes, the call ends and then he looks at all of us, "okay class I'll be right back, an important call came through and I need to act on it so, I'll be back soon" then he left the room giving the queue for Violet to turn to me and say, "So I think you should do letters and put them into his locker when no one is around then, see how they react, oh oh oh you could mark it with a J too, full mystery". She's been obsessed with these romantic films and novels that include these secret admirers or something like that. It's funny but weird when she tries to make it a reality.

"Okay I understand that you love this type of shit, but seriously do I need to fulfil your romantic secret admirer dream?"

"Yessssss" she said giving me a massive cheesy grin. Oh boy.

After hours have passed and it has reached the end of this gruelling first day, she finally convinced me to do it, after a long thoughtful moment I slid the letter into his locker even when Violet wasn't around at the end of the day and ran to the front entrance to meet with Violet and walk home with her, let's hope that this will only be a one-time thing.

Zane's POV:

What a day, already we had to do a whole load of bullshit on the first day and now on the second day I'm being told by Damien that we might have a group project. Fuck me. I don't wanna work with some nerd that will piss me off, I'm not dealing with that again. Noah jumped onto me like always and raps his arm around me and practically using me as an object to lean on. "So, Zane, you excited for the assignment?" he asked in that sing-song voice with that shit eating grin of his, how he has a girlfriend I don't know.

"Of course not, I can't choose who I wanna be with and probably fail like the last 3 from last year" I said sighing.

"Unless you do get someone who is smart and is a nerd" he said smirking, I got to admit he had a point, so I just hummed and headed into English class and sat at my usually seat, I keep seeing this boy sitting at the back, but it seems like I only knew he existed till now... but why.

"Okay class, time to discuss who the groups are for this assignment, you have this whole term to work on it and if you don't do it then it's an automatic fail and you will redo it alone till the end of the year" Mr Lewis stated. Great, had to be like that didn't it. After some while he started calling out the groups, each group had 5 people from our class in it since this assignment was massive and very longwinded. "Mr Crawftmen, Mr McCollins, Miss Quinn and both Sylesters, I'm trusting you Mr and Mr Sylester don't misbehave and actually do some work, same with you Mr Crawftmen, but don't worry you have got some of my good students in my class to help you" he said before we moved into our groups and started talking about what our assignment is going to be about. This is going to be fun.

"So where are we going, so we can complete this?" the girl said I believe her name is Violet, but she was already annoying me. No one said a word especially the boy that is sitting opposite me and just didn't look away from the table and making himself invisible. "How about yours Zane, since you have more space than the rest of us in the group" she said, I looked at her with shock horror in my eyes, no one has been to my house except the twins and that's the limit. "Hell no! We aren't going to my house-"

"Hell yes we are! No one has enough room, or the space and you do, as told by the twins, right boys" she looked at them with this look that seem to make the twins squirm in their chairs.

"Y-yes that's correct" said them both and- wait a minute is Damien blushing?! That's new. In the end, I was pressured into saying yes and allowing all these idiots into my home. Oh well, it's only for a few weeks and I hope I don't lose my sanity.

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