•Movie Night• Murder Time Trio x Badsans!reader

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You are one of the bad sanses and you        and the MTT have a movie night.
                       Enjoy <3
Art by: ProductionRoxy on Twitter

• Movie Night •

You were making popcorn for your movie night with your boyfriends. As you stood near the microwave, arms slithered around your waist. "Heya darling." A skull rested on your shoulder and you put your hand on top of it. "Sup Dusty." "I told you not to call me that, ass." "I love you too." You kissed the side of his skull and turned your attention to the beeping microwave. Dust studded and laid his head into your neck. You put the popcorn into a large bowl before setting it aside and turning your attention and body to Dust. "Aw does my baby need some attention?" He lifted his head and his face was purple. You cupped his face in your hands and peppered his face. Dust practically melted into your touch and moved his arms up to your back.

Dust's POV:
This feels so nice oh my stars. The way their hands and lips glaze my face. I leaned in and kissed them passionately. They returned it and I held them close. When they pulled away, I opened my eyes and they let go of me. I noticed Horror was now here.

2nd POV:
You returned Dust's kiss and he held me so close like you were going to disappear. You noticed Horror walk in the kitchen and try to grab the popcorn from around you. You pulled away and let Dust go. "Alright Dustbunny you had your turn. Now they're mine!" Horror said while yanking you away, but Dust didn't let go of you so you got sandwiched between them. You blushed and tried to free yourself but Horror pulled you closer. "Let me finish hugging whats mine asshole." Dust grumbled and that seemed to make Horror upset. "What fucking 'mine' are ya yapping about? We agreed they are OURS dumbass. You goddamn seagull from Nemo." "Hey guys it's late, let's not fight. You're gonna wake someone up." You interrupted, they scowled at each other before Dust begrudgingly let go of you and backed away. Horror then picked you up and spun you around. Peppering your face in kisses as he spun you around. You giggled and held his face with your hands. "I love ya sweetcheeks." Horror's rough yet caring voice sounded out. You blushed as he put you down. He tried to grab the bowl of popcorn again but you smacked his hand away. He looked at you and frowned. "No buddy, thats for the movie. Now, what do both of you like on your popcorn or is just butter and salt ok?" You asked, "Yeah that's fine." They both replied, "Alright now can you both go find Killer for me? That would be great." and with that they both teleported off. After they left, arms wrapped around your tummy. "Heya Darling~" A familiar voice rang in your ears. "There you are Killer," You paused and moved your head over your shoulder. "I was wondering if butter and salt would be okay for the popcorn." "That'll be just fine with me." "Well that settles it, we just need to wait for Dust and Horror to come back." Killer moved his face closer to your cheek and pressed it against you. "Mwah." "You're so adorable sometimes oh my stars." Then you turned fully around and held Killer's shoulders, he then moved his hands to your face and kisses you deeply. You stiffened but relaxed and kissed back. You felt his hand on the back of your head as you felt something glaze your lips. You denied him access and pulled away for a moment. "Not here Kills, don't get ahead of yourself." "Oh so you're saying we should take this to the bedroom huh? I didn't know you had THAT amount of love for me~" You got skittish and looked away from him. "N-no no no! I was just saying I wasn't-" Killer then grabbed your chin and made you look at him. "I'm just teasing ya love. Don't sweat it! Now lets get that popcorn ready." He smiled at you and took his hand off your chin. 'He's such a fucking tease.' You thought; pulling yourself together and going over to the bowl of popcorn. You grabbed the butter from the fridge and put a bit of it in a small container. You then put it in a microwave and set it to about 20 seconds to melt. Then while the butter was melting, you grabbed the salt and sprinkled it on the popcorn.

Killer POV:
I couldn't help but snicker at them step around the kitchen. But soon enough Dusty and Horror walked back in the kitchen; and I waved at em. They didn't look too happy with me but I don't really care. I turned back around to Y/N as they poured the butter on the popcorn and topped it with salt. Then they picked up the bowl, "Alright guys lets go have that movie now. The popcorn is ready now." Their sweet voice sang out through the air. "Alright love." I walked up to them and teleported to their room.

2nd POV:
You arrived infront of your room and opened the door. You opened the door and let them in your room. You closed the door behind you and sat on the bed with the remote in your hands. Then all three of them came over and 'claimed' a part of you to cuddle with. Horror wrapped his arms around your tummy and set you in his lap; then Dust and Killer took your left and right. Your lap was the placeholder of the popcorn and so you were sandwiched between them all. Anyway, you picked a movie and saw that Dust had already fallen asleep. His face snuggled into the nape of your neck. Horror only seemed interested in the popcorn and Killer was also leaning his head against you but he was watching the movie. When the bowl was empty and the movie was over, Horror used magic to set the bowl on a side table.
Horror then slowly laid on his back as to not wake Dust up. Killer threw a blanket over everyone before cuddling up to you again. "Night baby." "Night Kills. Night Horror. Night Dust." "Night Cutie." "Night Babe."

The End <3
Word Count 1074

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