•It's You and Me• Dust/Murder Sans x Determination!reader PT. 2

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A/N: School is starting for me so posting may slow down so please have patience for any requests you have placed on the request page.
Art: @royalty_bowsta_ria1 on TikTok

This is a really long oneshot <3

Part 2 of 'Another Soul?'
It's You and Me

You woke up near the star outside the house. Wait you were alive? How? You shouldn't be..he, Dust killed you. Is that what the 'Save' option does? Revive you? That's kinda cool, welp not going out that door again are you?

You approached the home again and didn't go down the stairs, but to the hallway might as well explore if you're staying here.

Dust's POV:
Well that's interesting, they do have a determination soul. Let's see if they're stupid enough to exit the doors again.

Nope, doesn't seem so, I like my prey smart away. Welp let's go see this smart cookie a second time. I teleported through the door and to the hallway, it looks the exact same. I walked up the stairs into the actual house. There was a quite delicious smell coming from the right, I quietly walked up to the doorframe only to find no one but another door. I quietly walked to the other doorframe and found the source of the smell. Y/N was cooking something, I don't know what it was but it smelt good. I stared at them walking around the kitchen, grabbing ingredients and seasoning things. They started humming a tune and spinning around. They saw me and screamed, "D-Dust?! Why the fuck are you here?" They yelled at me, "Heh, you didn't stay dead huh? You must have some determination." I said back as I stood my figure fully seeable in the doorway. They grabbed a kitchen knife and pointed at me, I put my hands up in a joking manner. "I'm not letting you kill me again!" They yelled at me, I rolled my eyes and stared at them. "What you cooking anyway? I could smell it from the front door." They seem and ease up a tiny bit, "Oh, just some (Food)." "Never heard of it, is it good?" I asked pointing at the cooking stuff on the counter. "I mean my opinion is biased because it's my favorite, but I think it's amazing." Their voice sounded nice..I mean what the fuck no, that food does smell good, I'll see if I can have a bite.

"Can I have some? If it's done, I won't stab ya this time I promise." I asked quite politely in my opinion, they put the knife down just a bit and their eyes squinted at me. Then they turned around and seem to make a plate for me. I teleported behind them and looked over their shoulder, the food looked delicious. They put the food on the counter and backed away from me with the knife still in their hand. I shrugged, took the food, and sat down at the table. "You can put the knife down, I can't even kill you. You'll come back and its like if nothing happened." I said, then started to eat.

2nd POV:
'He can't kill me? I mean I guess he can't, I should take his words for it.' You thought still gripping the knife in your hand. You made yourself a plate and ate at the counter. "Come sit with me, I don't bite. Plus we could have so more small talk." You thought for a second before going and sitting at the other end of the table with him, I mean he can't kill you so what's the worst that could happen.

"Hey so I think we got off on the wrong foot. So how about we be friends? I mean it's only you and me down here and I enjoy your company." Dust paused, putting his hand out for you to shake. "We stay at peace, I don't try and kill ya and you don't try to kill me. Let's shake on it." You looked at his hand then his face, you could only see his bright eyes and his smile. Everything else was covered by the shadow of his hood. You sighed before shaking his hand and smiling.

After that moment, Dust came around regularly to visit. You stayed in the ruins and made yourself at home. He slept over sometimes and always offered to return the favor. Sometimes he would take you to places like 'Waterfall' and 'Hotland'. Waterfall had to be your favorite, it was so calming and the echo flowers were always funny to listen too. You couldn't help but fall in love with your skeleton friend, just, the way he treated you just made you swoon and want to love him unconditionally. Although Dust has been acting weird lately, he was nervous all the time and his cheeks was a purple color. "Heya Y/N," Dust called through the house, you perked your head up at him from your chair. "Oh there you are! Can we go to Waterfall? There's something really important I want to tell you." He asked, and you nodded and got up and took his hand for him to lead the way. "Close your eyes for me would you?" You did and he smiled while teleporting the both of you to Waterfall. "You can open your eyes cutie." You blushed and opened your eyes to find no one?.. "Follow me" A ghostly voice rang out and you looked around to find it coming from an echo flower. Behind the echo flower was another flower also saying 'Follow me' you giggled and followed the path of echo flowers. They led to a beautiful place behind a waterfall, with bright echo flowers lighting up the area. You felt an arm around your waist pulling you into something warm. Then the arm's gloved hand was placed on your neck and tilted your head up. You blushed knowing who it was, then you met Dust's eyes. His chin rested on your forehead and you could see his whole face. His cheeks were purple and his smile was faltering; then he spoke.
"Y/N I need to tell you something, I like you like alot, not in the way, like-" he paused and then sighed. "Let me just show you, is that ok?" You nodded and smiled, hoping he meant what you thought he meant. Dust then quickly spun you around and dipped you into a kiss. You blushed and kissed back while wrapping your arms around him. He pulled away and smiled widened, you smiled back at him. "I love you too you dork." You said and kissed the spot above his nose-hole. His blush increased and he pulled you up. Dust pulled you into his chest and held you, taking in the faint scent of your hair. You nuzzled into his neck and put your arms under his hoodie. Then you felt another teleportation as the ground beneath you changed and the small blue light was gone. You felt Dust pick you up and walk before laying down while laying you on top of him. "Naptime." He said before his eyelights disappeared in the dark. You rolled your eyes and closed your eyes.
The end <3
Srry didn't know how to end it off :/
Word count: 1226

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