1: A New Beginning

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Thanks for the support on the original version! Behold, a new cover! ^^^ Now, let us start the game... again.


My words fail to escape me. All I can do is breathe heavily, the man and woman slowly fading from view. They wave me goodbye, sick grins on their face.

Warped away, I'm in a cold, dark room all of a sudden, a strange man gripping my head.

"What's your name, kid?!"

Two people stand in the doorway, silhouettes I could never misread.

"Tell me your name you punk!!"

"R... Re...!"

"Spit it out!!"



I wake up in a cold sweat, heart pounding and breathing rapidly. As the lights and sounds of chatter seep back, I loosen my grip on my uniform.

It was just that nightmare...

I flip my hands around, half expecting them to flash into paws at any moment. I sigh, make a mental note to never sleep in public again, and straighten my back. How long have I been sitting like this?

"Are you for real? A mental shutdown?" A girl inquires.

"It's the truth!"

"To a normal person?" she laughs. "You sure he wasn't some shifter?"

I exhale loudly, praying I'll forget I'm the topic of someone's conversation.

I would've downloaded a game on my phone to pass the time earlier, but until now, It feels like officers haven't stopped breathing down my neck. I've always had eyes on me, but never this much... I doubt they'll leave me anytime soon, either.

Whatever I do for now, sleeping isn't an option. But I'm sitting next to a window, so the sights will have to do... which, considering it's Tokyo of all places, might not be that hard. Wherever I look, it's crowded streets, tall buildings, and billboards with ads and news. There's no way I'll ever learn to navigate this maze of a city, or talk to anyone ever, even if I'll have to considering this place is my new-


my new...

...place to stay at. Not home.

A fact I'll have to get through my thick skull. Even if I'm accepted with a criminal record (which would be a miracle), they'll be horrified for sure if they find out.

"Next stop, Shibuya."

Oh, that's mine. If only it never came...


There's... a LOT of people here...

The station square is stuffed to the point I can hardly sift through them all to get a good look at my phone. But I find myself in a gap for a moment and thrust it out.

Okay, next I'm headed to...

A strange red app pops up without warning and blocks the directions. I haven't used a phone in a while, but I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to do this, right?. My fingers frantically tap the screen. Surely this is just some sort of ad, right?

But then, in the corner of my eye, a falling ice cream cone stops midair.

...wait, midair?!

The world goes oddly silent. Head swerving left and right, everyone's stopped. I check my hands, I pat my face, but I'm still human... I jump as a sound bursts from behind me. My head whips towards it, finding a surging blue flame in the middle of the crowd. My legs tense up against my will, forcing me to watch as the flame moves oddly. It's gotta be my imagination, but I can almost see a form... something wing-like? The second I blink, though, all I can see is the fire forming sinister eyes and a matching grin. A strange yet familiar creature takes over moments later, its golden eyes giving me a wild look.

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