𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝

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ariel and jesse pull up to anfield as she has a late game tonight

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ariel and jesse pull up to anfield as she has a late game tonight.

ariel kisses her best friend on the cheek and gets out.

"i'll see you at halftime?" ariel asks through the rolled down window.

"yeah, i love you." jesse says with a small smile.

"i love you jesse."

"yeah i'm sure you do."

ariel rolls her eyes playfully and secretly sticks up a middle finger towards his polar bear white Benz.

she sees jesse laugh and get out from her peripheral vision.

she giggles and starts to slightly run towards the home locker room.

"stop running little mermaid." jesse shouts her childhood nickname.

"i'm not running i'm swimming!"

ariel gets to the room just in time because, jesse is banging on the door.

"leave me alone and go find your seat j."

she hears footsteps and then turns around to find her teammate taylor smirking at her.

"don't start tay."

"i wasn't even gonna say anything." taylor raises her hands in defense.

"let's not lie taylor."

"alright i was going to say that y'all belong together."

"taylor! quit!" ariel giggles loudly.

"you never denied it."

ariel feels her cheeks heat up when she finds herself in a deep hole of embarrassment.

"i'm gonna get dressed."

ariel goes to her locker and starts getting prepped and dressed.

"taylor can i borrow your lotion?"

"yeah forsure!"

she quickly squeezes some lotion onto her tattooed fingers and runs it into her legs and ankles.

(skip to kickoff)

the team get into position and take a knee for Black Lives Matter. after a minute they get up and the ref kicks off the game.

taylor brings up the ball in the fourth minute and gives ariel a perfect ball which she hits top left.

ariel runs to the corner where the liverpool fans and apparently the liverpool men's team is and does jesse's milly rock celebration. she points to him as if she's dedicating the goal to him.

she mouths the words 'for you' which confirms the men's and women's team correct.

jesse laughs and does a heart with his hands.

manchester city quickly get the ball and wait for the team to get back.

nobody scores for the next fourty one minutes as the first half ends one-nil to liverpool.

jesse hurries to get down the stairs and meets ariel by the locker room door.

"nice goal mermaid"

"thank you jlingzzz"

"jesse you have to let her go before she gets yelled at by coach." taylor speaks.

"alright j, i have to go, i'll score two more."

ariel gives jesse a kiss on the hand before walking in the room behind them.

jesse walks back to his seat and sits down with a huge smile.

"you're so whipped." trent tells him.

"shutup trentski"

(second half)

the team walks back out and get in position again.

the ref blows the whistle to start the second half.

in the sixty sixth minute, ariel steals the ball and comes sprinting up the pitch.

'there's too many defenders and the keeper is more on the right so shoot left.'

she follows her thoughts and shoots for the left from a little outside the box.

she can hear the net ring from where she's standing.

she runs back to the corner and knee slides while nodding.

taylor follows her lead and does the same thing then jumps on her back.

"your on a roll! one more."

taylor hops of ariel's back and walks backwards smiling as ariel holds up two fingers to the city fans smiling who happen to sit in the home side.

"and i'll get a third just for you." she blows a kiss at the fan as they hold up both middle fingers.

the team gets the ball right back in the eighty ninth minute and taylor once again crosses the ball right back infront of ariel's feet.

ariel just shrugs and shoots from the half circle connected to the box.



"i'm on fire for some reason."

she sprints to the liverpool side and kicks the corner flag down and counts to three and sticks her tongue out at the city fan.

"i told you babe!" she smirks with a smile.

"thanks for supporting me love." she blows a kiss with her middle finger. she can hear jesse and the men's team screaming at the top of their lungs.

"fuck you!"

"you wish my love."

she runs back to her spot and kicks it to her teammate to waste time before the referee blows the whistle.

she and taylor walk around the pitch clapping at the home fans.

they make it to where jesse and the team are and ariel pulls jesse in for a hug and whispers in his ear as taylor greets the team.

"i'm sorry to burst the happy bubble, buuut i did say i was gonna score two more."

"i wanna kiss j"


jesse lets go from the hug and stares at her with confusion running through his eyes.

ariel plants her lips on jesse's and they both lean in closely as jesse wraps his arms around her waist and she wraps hers around his neck.

"i love you." jesse confesses.

"i knew, and i love you j"


this might be longest one yet to be honest

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this might be longest one yet to be honest. y'all is it me or do i like reading smut but i can write it? someone has to get what i'm saying. as always..
thanks for reading,

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