Day 5,

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Veronica told Jd what Becca said, he says it's true, he said he dosent like her anymore and that he likes y/n. Veronica screams while stomping away from him. Jd tells you he likes you and you say "I can tell, but i dont wanna date a k!ller, it's weird." Jd replies " No im not actually gonna k!ll her.. Im k!lling her family" he says w a smile on his face. You push him away and tell him he's crazy and go to biology. You think about Jd all day long. You think, *what wouldve happen if I said yes?* you decided to go up to him after biology and tell him, that you thought about it, and u wanna date him. He looks so surprised and hugs you tight. He kisses u multiple times on the forehead. You tell Becca what had happend and she is so happy for you! Becca starts talking abt her lovelife and how she misses her ex. She go's on and on and on abt her ex, Kurt. Coke bacl fir  thq ,ext day, sorry iats so shirt

Jason Dean x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now