Day 9,

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After V3ronica took y/ns phone, Jason was pretty angry with her. He confronted her, and denied. Jason showed her the text, V: "oh yeahh i don't understand what happened! Maybe a glitch, 🤷‍♀️" J: "Then why do you have y/ns phone, she told me that she dosent have her phone with her, so one of you guys are lying. It must be you Ver." V: Oh heavens, your right im lying, I just wanted to get back together with you Jason. I really loved you but then you broke up with me, for that worthless, homeless, fatty patty, crusty stinky girl. Plus i think she has dyslexia." J: Why the actual fuck would you call my girlfriend that!? She is one of the richest girls in the school." *holds her at g!n point* Ver, im very disgusted by you. *POW💥* The school hears the gunshot, and they are all petrified by it. The principal puts the school on lockdown. J: "oh shit! Y/n where are you!?" Y: Jason, what the fuck is wrong with you!?" J: "idk what was going on in my mind. Forgive me." Y: "GO FUCK A TREE JASON. YOU SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING TO VERONICAS MOTHER YOU FUCKING PYSCHO." J: "FUCK THIS SHIT IM LEAVING." *he goes to the next school over." Jd finds a badge, it says "L. Ruiz Moreno" J: "perfect." He sneaks into the school, shoots the front desk ladies, and walks through the school. He finds a girl roaming the campus. J: what is your name!" G: "Why do you want to know.. your like a grown ass Mexican wh0re." *he shoots gracie in the head, then shoots her in her stomach* come back for day 10

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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