Day 2,

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It's your second day at highschool. You do your hair, and other stuff. Your mother calls "Y/n let's go" Coming!! You yelled. You see JD again looking at you as you get out of your car. You find your friends, they start talking about "The Heathers" you think they might be super nice and sweet, you ask them "Who are the Heather's?" "Who are the heathers!Heather's!? They are the most crazy stuck up, bitches. They float above it all. Heather McNamara, head cheerleader. Heather Duke, runs the yearbook. And Heather Chandler, The almighty, She is a Mythic Bitch." "They sound interesting! Should i go talk to them and tell them what you said?" "NO ABSOLUTELY NOT" *JD walks over to you and ur friends* JD says "Whatcha talkin abt 😏" Oh nothing!! You say. Fast forward to lunch, you have to eat the sch00l lunch bcs u forgot to get lunch b4 school. Yu see Veronica Duncan, she gives you a death stare as JD hugs her from behind and kisses her, you walk away from their table and talk about JD the whole lunch period. 

Jason Dean x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now